Friday, January 27, 2012

Healthy Pets, Healthy People

Pets can sometimes be reservoirs of diseases that infect humans.?Most viruses and organisms that cause illness are species specific, or specially adapted to the host they infect.?When a disease is able to make the leap from our pet to us, it is referred to as zoonotic.

The most important historical zoonotic disease is the Plague that ravaged Europe in the 1300?s killing tens of millions of people. Primarily a disease of rats and wild rodents, the Plague is transmitted from animal to animal by the bites of infected fleas, with humans as the accidental host when the rat dies and the fleas look for a warmer host.

Today, the number of potential zoonotic diseases is impressive. Let?s look at some of the more common dog and cat diseases that may pose a threat to humans.

Dogs and cats can transmit:

Rabies is caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system and is almost always fatal to humans. It is the most well known of? zoonotic diseases. It is usually transmitted via the saliva as a result of a bite from an infected animal. Infected pets may act fearful or agitated and show excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing, lack of coordination, and paralysis. Symptoms are similar in infected humans. Thanks to mandated vaccination strategies, rabies cases in domestic dogs and cats are rare.

Lyme Disease, (primarily canine)
Caused by the rickettsial organism, Borrelia burgdorferi, it is transmitted to people and dogs by the bite of ticks, most commonly the black-legged deer tick. The first symptom in people, which appears a few days to a week after exposure, is usually a red, bulls-eye shaped rash and may be accompanied by fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches; the disease can progress and cause swollen and painful joints, meningitis, and heart problems when untreated. Effective tick control is the best prevention of this disease.

Sarcoptic mange - scabies
An intensely itchy skin disease caused by a Sarcoptes scabei mite, this microscopic mite burrows into the skin and releases allergens and toxins into the skin. Dogs, cats and humans all have a similar condition known as scabies. The mites are different for each host, but the condition is highly contagious among all. The Sarcoptes scabei mite causes dogs to lose fur and creates severe itching.? Mites from animals may get on people and cause severe itchiness or temporary lesions for a few days, but will not actually cause a scabies infection. If both you and your pet have intense itching and a rash seek medical attention immediately.

Technically called dermatophytosis ringworm is a skin condition that can be transmitted between people and pets and is caused by one of several kinds of microscopic fungal organisms, not actually a worm. The name ?ringworm? comes from the common symptom in people - the appearance of a reddish ring on the skin, which was once thought to be caused by a worm. People and pets may be exposed to the spores of the fungus by contact with other people, pets, or soil. In people, the disease is called tinea, characterized by a ring-like marking on the skin and lesions on the skin or on the scalp. Your physician may prescribe a topical ointment to treat the infection.

The eggs of these parasitic nematode worms are found in dog and cat feces. In humans, the larvae of these worms can penetrate the surface of the skin (usually through bare feet) and migrate through the skin creating wormlike burrows visible underneath the skin and causing a red, intensely itching eruption known as cutaneous larval migrans or ?creeping eruptions?. In severe cases, the larvae may enter deeper tissues, which can cause lung disease and painful muscles. All dogs and cats should have regular annual stool exams to check for hookworms.? Most heartworm prevention medications control hookworm infections in dogs and cats.

This is a very common intestinal parasite that can infect dogs, cats, and people. Adult roundworms live in the intestines and pass eggs which exit the body in the stool. These eggs can persist in the environment for at least a month before microscopic larvae begin to form inside the eggs. People, especially children, are at risk and are infected through accidental ingestion of soil contaminated with roundworm larvae. Infection is usually mild or undetected, but can cause permanent damage if the larvae migrate through the eyes and organs resulting in ocular or visceral larval migrans. While rare, ocular larval migrans can lead to blindness. Again, regular stool examinations are recommended to ensure that pets are not infected with roundworms.

Toxoplasmosis (feline)
Cats are considered the main host for the parasite, but more often people are exposed when they eat undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables. It is less common for a cat to be a source of infection, but they can be. Cats get the organism by hunting outdoors and eating other infected animals. A person can be infected if they garden in soil in which cats have defecated because the organism can be longlived in that environment. The organism does not cause any symptoms at all in most people, except those who are immunosuppressed where it may cause encephalitis. In women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, it can result in miscarriage, congenital brain disorders, or congenital eye disorders.

These are just a few of the zoonotic diseases which may be shared between pets and humans. It is very important to note that cats and dogs may not always show symptoms of these diseases. Pets with signs of any of these conditions should be seen by the veterinarian, tested, and treated. Your veterinarian can advise you of potential public health risks associated with these diseases and recommend when medical attention may be needed.? Appropriate vaccination protocols, parasite screening, and preventive medicine are key to reducing exposure to these preventable diseases. PurinaCare Pet Health Insurance Plus Preventive Care covers the vaccinations needed to protect your pet and you from these and other potentially harmful diseases.

-- Dr. Bill Craig --



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