Monday, August 20, 2012

Marriage: How to Fall and Stay in Love

relationships ? lifestyle

With summer weddings and anniversaries upon us, there is no time like the present for a little marital or relationship advice. And who better to learn from than a couple that has been together and is still holding hands with big smiles on their faces after 60 years.

Yep! Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are celebrating the big 6-0 this year. And over the years, they?ve taught us a thing or two about not only making it through relationships? ups and downs, but enjoying the ride.


You don?t have to have removable parts like Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head to be able to follow these simple steps to strengthening your marriage:

  1. Lend a hand.?Selflessly serving your partner with no strings attached helps you fall madly and unconditionally in love with him or her.
  2. Open your eyes.?Recognize all the wonderful things about your partner. Write them down, shout them out, and show gratitude for all the ways your partner is your biggest super hero.
  3. See things from the other person?s perspective.?Remember that the lens through which you view the world is not the only lens and furthermore, it may not be the most accurate or the best view. Open yourself up to new interpretations, other view points, and paradigm shifts.
  4. Walk a mile in each other?s shoes.?You don?t have to have cancer, depression, lose your job, or go through the exact situations your partner experiences to support and have empathy for him or her. Listen, research, and, ultimately, just be there without judgement and with open arms.
  5. Give each other the benefit of the doubt.?Everyone has a light and a dark side. Try and bring out each other?s strengths while loving each other through those weaker moments.
  6. Zip your lips. Take time to listen and really hear your partner. Close your mouth. Open your ears. Clarify what you hear to make sure you are understanding exactly what the other person is trying to tell you. And soak it in. Don?t try and fix it. Don?t judge it. Don?t share how you can relate to it. Just listen!
  7. Put on a happy face.?Everyone has a bad day every once in a while. And every relationship has its ups and downs. Unless the relationship is toxic and unhealthy, don?t give up! Fake it til you make it with a goal to improve your marriage. And remember?marriage takes work.
  8. Provide a shoulder to cry on. Everyone feels the weight of the world on their shoulders at one time or the other?or more. Share the burden. Lend support.
  9. Switch things up!?Appreciate each other?s individuality, but also grow together. Take ballroom dance lessons or cooking classes, go to sporting events together, or do home improvement projects.
  10. Hold hands. There?s no day like today to grab your partner?s hand and squeeze love into him or her. Quick! Go hold hands. This blog post can wait.

This post is dedicated to my parents who celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary in June.

They have six children, nine grand children, and all sorts of fun memories floating in all of our heads. (Check out a pic from my own wedding 15 years ago!)

They?ve taught us to love life, work hard, appreciate the world around us, and give to others. They?ve shown us dedication, commitment, and what it is like to have fun in a relationship. Most importantly, they?ve pushed through the storms and enjoyed the sunny weather conditions of their relationship, showing us that as long as two people want to work it out, anything?s possible.

Here?s to being ?mashly in love? like Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head when we grow old!

How long have you been married/in your relationship? What do you most love about your partner? (Go tell him or her!)

Mr. Potato Head photos courtesy of Hasbro. Featured image courtesy of Flickr.


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Two explosions in Tripoli, Libya, unknown number dead

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Two explosions struck the Libyan capital of Tripoli on Sunday, one near the Interior Ministry and the second near a women's police academy, a Libyan security officer told a Reuters photographer.

The officer, who was holding back people outside the academy, said that there were an unspecified number of people killed and wounded there.

The blast near the interior ministry was a car bomb but there were no casualties, the security officer said.

If the information is confirmed by Libyan officials, it would be the first time there have been deaths from blasts in Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

Violence has still been a problem despite Libya's peaceful power handover after its elections in July, the first in decades following the end of 42 years of one-man rule under Gaddafi.

(Reporting by Ahmed Tolba and Souhail Karam; Editing by Jackie Frank)


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Romney takes a break from campaign, attends church


Mitt Romney is attending church Sunday and relaxing with family as he prepares for a campaign sprint towards next week's Republican convention in Florida.

The presidential candidate attended the Mormon church in Wolfeboro, N.H., with his wife, Ann. Their son Tagg, his wife, Jen, and several of their young children joined them.

Romney is resting at his lakefront home here after several days of heavy fundraising.

He will join his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, Monday for a session with voters in Manchester, N.H.


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

District, coach sued over 2010 football outbreak

Former McMinnville High football player Brent Cordie and his father filed suit Wednesday against then-coach Jeff Kearin and the McMinnville School District in connection with an August 2010 football camp marred by an outbreak of medical problems.

The lawsuit, filed in Marion County Circuit Court just before the two-year statute of limitations expired, alleges negligence and recklessness on the part of Kearin and the school district and claims damages totaling $100,000.

School Superintendent Maryalice Russell had no comment about the specifics of the suit.

?I don?t think there?s anything I can comment on at this time,? Russell said. ?Obviously it?s been filed in the court, so it would be a matter for attorneys to handle at this time.?

She said this is the only lawsuit she?s heard about stemming from problems at the 2010 camp.

Kearin, who resigned as Mac coach July 9 to accept a position as an assistant at Occidental College in Los Angeles, could not be reached for comment. Kearin, who has a law degree from Whittier School of Law, did not respond to a message left on his cell phone Thursday.

Salem lawyer Brady Mertz, who is representing Brent and Jim Cordie, had little to say when contacted by phone Thursday evening.

Mertz would not comment on any specifics, including why the suit was filed in Marion County. He also declined to address the timing, almost exactly two years after Mac High players went to the hospital with sore and swollen triceps and other symptoms.

McMinnville?s immersion football camp during Kearin?s first preseason as coach of the Grizzlies began Aug. 15, 2010. Three days later, seven players were admitted to the Willamette Valley Medical Center, and three more were admitted the following night.

Brent Cordie was one of three players diagnosed with compartment syndrome. All three underwent fasciotomies to relieve the pressure in their triceps and avoid permanent muscle damage.

Players began complaining about intense muscle pain following workouts targeting the triceps.

The lawsuit claims Kearin and his staff were reckless or negligent by having the players do the exercises ?in an enclosed environment, without proper ventilation and in very high temperatures and without proper hydration.? The suit claims it was foreseeable this could cause injury.

The lawsuit seeks medical expenses of approximately $30,000 and other damages not to exceed $70,000.

Brent Cordie left the football team soon after the pre-season camp and did not return. The other two players who underwent surgery, Daniel Nice and Cody Arreola, were back in uniform within days and played most of the season for the Grizzlies.

Nice graduated the following June. Arreola returned for his senior season in 2011 and graduated two months ago.

Of the 43 team members in the camp, three were clinically diagnosed with cases of tricep compartment syndrome requiring surgery, according to an Oregon Public Health report dated Sept. 2, 2010. Five other players displayed rhabdomyolysis with muscle pain and creatine kinase levels 100 times the upper limit of normal.

Fourteen others displayed? rhabdomyolysis with muscle pain and CK levels at least 10 times the upper limit of normal. Creatine kinase levels are checked in blood testing for markers of muscle injury.

Of the 22 team members diagnosed with triceps compartment syndrome or upper-arm rhabdomyolysis, 12 had to be hospitalized. But none of them progressed to kidney failure, according to the report.

The state report vindicated the players and coaching staff with respect to allegations of the use of steroids and other banned substances.

?All of the toxicology testing that came back was negative,? State Epidemiologist Katrina Hedberg said a year later, reviewing the report?s findings. ?There wasn?t any indication that these kids had taken anything other than protein supplements. The other testing came back negative.?

On Jan. 20, 2011, there was an outbreak of rhabdomyolysis among University of Iowa football players. The Iowa investigation concluded with participants professing themselves ?as certain as possible that the strenuous squat-lifting workout the players did on Jan. 20 caused rhabdomyolysis in the 13 who were hospitalized, as well as serious muscle injuries to players who did not develop advanced rhabdomyolysis symptoms.?

The Iowa report concluded the players ?were in no way responsible for their own injuries,? and went on to say, ?Rhabdomyolysis was not associated with use of prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, supplements or energy drinks.?

In reviewing at the Mac High situation a year later, Hedberg said it would have been intellectually satisfying for Oregon Public Health investigators to be able to pin the problem on something simple, such as players injecting themselves with something, but that proved not to be true.

?We did not find any indication of any of that, so it really was this very focused or intense exercise routine and then this particular one that was focused on the triceps that looks to be what caused it,? Hedberg said. ?We wanted to, if you will, rule out and see whether any of those other things might have played a role, and we just didn?t find it.

?In this case, there really isn?t any villain, if you will. It?s not that there was something to pinpoint, but rather it is more general: intense exercise focused on one muscle group with heat and some dehydration exacerbating it.?


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Reid used Kennedy's brain cancer to beg for stimulus votes

Michael Grunwald?s ?The New New Deal?
details the $787 billion stimulus passed in the early days of President
Barack Obama?s presidency, and offers the back story of Senate
arm-twisting needed to secure the votes.
Among the revelations in Grunwald?s book is an anecdote recalling Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid?s attempt to push three veteran Republicans to vote for the bill ? by guilt-tripping them over former Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy?s brain cancer.
Without vote commitments from the Republicans he had hoped to push his direction, Reid brought Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Thad Chochran of Mississippi and Mike Enzi of Wyoming to his office to appeal for their votes.
?He was basically pleading for our votes,? Grassely said, according to Grunwald. ?He said: ?You all know something needs to be done. The Democrats did TARP for Bush. You?ve got to look past the substance.??
When his initial plea did not work, Reid reportedly told the three Republicans that he needed their votes so that he would not need to bring Kennedy ? at the time battling brain cancer ? back to work to end a filibuster.
?He said if you can?t vote with us, we?re going to have to bring Kennedy to the floor, and it really could kill him,? Grassely said. ?We looked at each other like: Huh??
According to Grunwald?s account, Reid then asked if there was a volunteer to vote on Kennedy?s behalf, as there had been precedent for ?pairing votes? as a courtesy for ill senators of the opposite party. None of the three took him up on the offer, nor did Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, who Reid also attempted to pressure with the Kennedy plea.


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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Review U.S. cell phone radiation rules: Watchdog | Epou

Posted by Eta Phi Sports on Aug 18, 2012 in Mobile | 0 comments

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? U.S. regulators should take a fresh look at 15-year-old standards on radiofrequency energy from mobile phones, an investigative arm of the U.S. Congress said on Tuesday amid lingering concerns the devices may cause brain tumors.

Before a mobile phone comes on the U.S. market, it is first tested to ensure its emissions are within a limit determined by the Federal Communications Commission to be safe for human exposure.

But that limit may not reflect the latest research, and testing may not reflect the actual conditions under which mobile phones are used, such as when stored directly against the body in a pocket while someone talks through an ear piece, according to a Government Accountability Office report.

The report concludes a year-long investigation prompted by Democratic Representatives Edward Markey, Henry Waxman and Anna Eshoo.

?While the GAO report indicates there is no evidence to suggest using a cell phone causes cancer, it?s important that safety standards are current and account for changing trends in cell phone use and technology,? Eshoo said.

The GAO recommended that the FCC conduct a formal reassessment of its emissions limit and testing requirements and change them if appropriate.

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski in June circulated a proposal to his fellow commissioners calling for a formal inquiry into the mobile phone emissions standards set in 1996.

If it is approved by a majority of the FCC?s five commissioners, the agency would consider changing its testing procedures and seek input on the need either to strengthen or ease the current standards. the proposal also considers whether emission standards should be different for devices used by children.

The FCC would solicit input from a variety of experts, including federal health agencies, and take the GAO?s report into consideration as part of its review, FCC spokesman Neil Grace said.

The agency has stressed that it believes there is no evidence tying cancer, headaches, dizziness, memory loss or other health problems to mobile phones.


Demand for wireless devices has surged in recent years, with some consumers opting to forego landline phone service altogether.

The sharp increase in mobile phone usage has fueled lengthy debate about the potential link to the main types of brain tumor, glioma and meningioma.

In may 2011 the World Health Organization added cell phone radiation to a list of possible carcinogens, putting it in the same category as lead, chloroform and coffee and said more study is needed.

Unlike ionizing radiation, such as that from gamma rays, radon and X-rays, which can break chemical bonds in the body and are known to cause cancer, radiofrequency devices such as cell phones and microwaves emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing radiation.

According to the National Cancer Institute, there is no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases the risk of cancer.

But these do produce energy in the form of heat, and the concern is that frequent use of cell phones held up to the ear can change brain cell activity, as some studies have suggested.

What is not yet clear is whether this causes harm, which is why the WHO and other health bodies have called for further study.

The wireless trade association, CTIA, noted that two decades of scientific research, evaluated by government agencies and impartial health organizations, have yet to establish that wireless phone use causes adverse health effects.

?The FCC?s safety standards include a 50-fold safety factor and, as the FCC has noted, are the most conservative in the world,? John Walls, CTIA?s vice president of public affairs, said.

Review U.S. cell phone radiation rules: Watchdog


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Invite The Online World To Do Business: Internet Marketing

wale59btsc Posted by wale59btsc on 10 hours ago

Are you taking advantage of the opportunities internet marketing offers? If your answer is no, it?s time to invest some time in learning how to do this effectively. This article will give you a beginner-level tutorial about Internet marketing.

Leverage the internet and the power available to successfully market your business. This article will give you a basic foundation of information about internet marketing methods and how your business can utilize them for a successful marketing plan.

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NCAA proposal for tennis creates backlash

The NCAA in recent years has been an excellent training ground for the pro tennis tours.

John Isner is a prime example.

But an NCAA initiative to change the scoring format -- a third-set tiebreak instead of a third set for singles -- could threaten that relationship, and the plan is creating quite a backlash.

Bradley Klahn of Stanford had this to say, via Twitter: "It is unfortunate that in this era media accessibility and popularity trumps the best interests of those student athletes who have Sacrificed much to achieve their dreams. You can't sell your program as a stepping stone to pro tennis with super breakers for a third set."

Also part of the NCAA proposal: Remove the warm-up with the opponent before matches; reduce the time between singles and doubles to five minutes; shorten each changeover to 60 seconds.

The goal is to shorten matches, perhaps to deliver a better product for television.

"By shortening the format and bringing greater excitement to the dual match, programs will be able to attract fan support and attention to tennis," the NCAA said in its report.

Reigning NCAA champ Nicole Gibbs of Stanford had this to say, via Twitter: "I play tennis for tennis, not for tv coverage and frat boy attendance. Playing a tb for a third set compromises the integrity of the sport!"

A new Facebook group has been launched, started by Michigan's Evan King and Florida's Bob van Overbeek, called "Official-Against the changes to NCAA Tennis," which has more than 1,400 members.

The USTA also opposes the move and sent out this statement Friday morning: "The USTA is aware of the proposed format changes being made by the NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Tennis Committee to the NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Tennis Championships. Working with the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA), the USTA is preparing a joint opposition letter to these changes. The letter will be distributed to the committee in advance of its Monday, August 20th meeting."


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Friday, August 17, 2012

Pin the Worm on the Apple Game 88 cents at Walmart

This is a fun little game for your classroom or for a birthday party. ?Especially if you're having a Hungry Little?Caterpillar birthday party.?

It's Pin the Worm on the Apple. ?For only 88 cents you'll get the poster and the mask.?

The worms pop out. You could laminate the game and reuse it numerous times.?

The mask is cardstock. ?


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Debt Elimination & Credit Counseling Services | Advantage CCS

empty_wallet | Advantage CCSIn years past, wages have failed to keep up with higher costs of living. The recent financial crisis and downturn of the economy left many people unemployed for an extended period of time. With this in mind, it is of little surprise that personal debt in the United States has skyrocketed to levels never before seen. The process of paying down this debt can seem utterly overwhelming for many, and the process of even beginning to start to pay down this debt can seem insurmountable. Fortunately, there are options that you can take to begin the process of recovering from a financial disaster. Credit counseling services from an accredited non-profit agency can help.

Credit counseling is a regulated industry that helps the growing number of people who have significant debt that they need to pay off. The credit counselors who work for these non-profit agencies have extensive financial knowledge, training, and real-world experience; their jobs allow them to see the effect that debt has on people. This experience gives them the ability to help educate the consumer on budgeting principles and ways to avoid incurring any more debt. The skills they teach can help you avoid having an even greater debt obligation to take care of in the future.

The real benefit that these agencies provide for many consumers, however, is their ability to transform your multiple credit card accounts that are full of debt into one manageable monthly payment through a debt management program. By taking responsibility for the disbursement of money on your accounts and by negotiating with your creditors, they can usually help stop collection calls, get rid of most creditor fees, and deal with your creditors for you. These non-profit debt consolidation agencies can also substantially reduce your interest rates in most cases and allow you to pay off your debt in a shorter period of time.

For those consumers who have incurred a higher level of debt than they can reasonably be expected to pay off by themselves in just a few years, these debt management services can provide relief. Excessive debt is an albatross that makes it difficult to plan for the future. The interest that accumulates can be overwhelming, and unfortunately it?s easier than ever before to get into debt trouble. By researching ?free debt consolidation? or ?non-profit credit counseling services? and gathering as much information as possible, you can begin your journey to recovering your financial health and start looking forward to the future again.

Non-profit debt consolidation agencies and for-profit debt settlement companies are very different from one another. Please be wary of debt settlement companies that offer total debt elimination in a few months. You didn?t get into debt overnight and you definitely can?t get out of debt overnight. Debt settlement has many drawbacks and also has the potential to worsen your current situation. Ask a credit counseling agency questions about debt consolidation, debt settlement, and debt management programs. They are there to help you in your time of need, so take advantage of their free services.




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It all started with a simple idea: A world you could truly immerse yourself in, where you could live the second life you?ve always wanted to live. The idea began in the minds of two designers fresh into the world, and through them resulted in one of the greatest games to grace the world. Straight from the minds of ?Hypnos Industries?, or rather its creators, came the game ?Last Eden?. The game is based within a virtual fantasy world named Eden, a world that moved and reacted as if it were real. Through the use of the ?Sandman Set?, a device in the form of a head set connected directly to a computer, a player could enter the world of Eden through their dreams. While in the world, they become a completely different version of themselves, and live in Eden through the character. They experience Eden through all five of their senses, feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and even tasting everything their character did. The world is inhabited by npc?s made using nearly perfect AI?s designed by Hypnos Industries, and monsters of simple intelligence that increases with their levels. Boss level npc?s created by the game?s creators themselves sport an AI system rivaling actual human intelligence, making them nearly unbeatable.
The game starts (for the US players) outside of the ?newb? city of Sunspar in the central continent. There they choose a race, make their character, and carefully choose the path they will take. The players then strive to achieve their tenth level, utilizing everything the city, the take on the class that their characters will use for the rest of their in-game life. For only one character can be made per player, and nothing less than deletion by the creators themselves will let players ?reroll? their characters. Once they?ve picked their classes, they can move on to the rest of the world and make a name for themselves. Often players join armies, become monster hunters, or even treasure hunters, while others take on simple jobs among the cities. Some even apply the arts and gain a level of fame (and sometimes fortune) through the game. The possibilities in Eden are nearly infinite, and only you can decide the path and the life you will live in this great world.

Humans: Tough, intelligent, resilient creatures with nearly infinite potential as a race. They have the capacity to master almost any talent or art.

Dwarves: The foremost of the short races. Two heads shorter than the average human and typically a foot wider. They are a resilient race of warriors and smiths. Dwarves can master weapons and crafts, though they cannot use magic.

Wood Elves: The most humble and versatile of the elves. They have incredible agility and intelligence that makes them adept rogues, archers, and even mages. The woods, that they call home, give them a small protective blessing when they find their ways back home.

Night Elves: Elves with dark skin and an uncanny link to nature around them. They possess great talent with the magics of the world and some skill as thieves, rogues, or assassins. They are best known for their arrogance.

Blood Elves: Formerly the High Elves of Eden, Blood Elves find their homes in grand cities throughout the central continent. These elves have a natural talent with magic and have made it a part of their daily lives and culture. They are known to be great Paladins, Templars, and Mages, though they excel in any magic related class. These elves possess an ability that allows their combat prowess to dramatically improve when they are touched by any manner of red blood.

Vampyres: Any member of any race can become a vampyre. These creatures excel in the physical and magical classes, however they can never be Templars, Clerics, or Paladins. They are far stronger and more cunning than most other races, though they are severely weakened when exposed to the sun.
Players favored by the creators can become the Vampyre Lord race, with greater ability bonuses and the removed weaknesses of the original vampyre race.

Werewolf: Like the vampyres, any member of any race can become a werewolf. They gain an immediate bonus to strength, but must undergo the transformation into the beast every full moon.

Werebear: The werebears take on the form of a great bear at will. When in their normal form they gain the same bonus to strength as the werewolves.

Halflings: The most active of the small races. While dwarves sit in their mountain holds, halflings are present in every major city. They are a talented people and have the race exclusive class of engineer, which allows them to build fighting machines and devices for everyday life.

Beastmen: Humanoid creatures at least seven feet tall that reflect almost any known land beast. They are stronger and faster than humans, but have a lesser intelligence and zero ability with magic.

Warrior: The basic fighting class. Warriors can master any weapon or armor, and are the primary tanks.
Rogue: Rogues are silent killers, thieves, and often the ones to disarm traps or unlock doors. They are seen as a necessary part of the group, though are never trusted.
Mage: The primary, and most simple, magic class. Mages typically use elemental magic.
Bard: Bards uses the arts as a mean of survival, typically focusing on music and storytelling. Their magical skills focus around sound, using it to damage, confuse, inspire, or even control. They also have some talent with traps and locks.
Cleric: A warrior that uses light armor and typically bludgeoning weapons. Clerics focus on healing and blessing others.
Paladin: Paladins are holy warriors that use holy power to heal, bless, and smite. They march into battle in heavy armor, carrying sword and shield in hand, and smite their foes.
Templar: Templars are the primary anti-magic class, having great resistance to its effects. They were typically medium to heavy armor, and are most often seen carrying dual swords, or two handed weapons.
Necromancer: Necromancers are dark mages that typically let the dead do all the work for them. They can raise the dead from the earth and use them as a fighting force, or curse their opponents with deadly spells.
Mesmer: Mesmers are magic users that use illusions to warp another view of reality. They often wound minds, confuse, or control others through these illusions.
Assassin: Assassins hide in the darkness, waiting for the proper moment to bring their targets down. They often carry an arsenal of small bladed weaponry and poisons. Their abilities heavily rely upon the shadows.
Ranger: Rangers are jacks of all trades that rely heavily upon nature. They are often seen using bows, daggers, and swords in battle, but have some degree of skill in nature magic as well. They can take any manner of beast as their pets to be used in battle.
Marksman: Marksmen focus their skills on bows, crossbows, knives, axes? Anything that can be used from a distance. Running from these talented men and women typically ends with you dying tired.
Fel-Knight: Fel-Knights are warriors that use necromantic abilities to curse, raise the dead, or even steal souls.
Samurai class: A battle-hardened swordsman class, that can master any type of sword ranging from one-handed to two-handed, and can wear Medium to their unique type of armor; which you must earn through quests related to the class. The samurai is master of the sword, allowing them to have a higher chance of criticals with swords.


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U.S. court says Florida's early voting rules discriminatory (reuters)

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Vertigo Screenplay | Screenplay How To | How To Write A Screenplay

At the very beginning of the movie, we see Scottie vaulting across rooftops, struggling to keep up with the policeman ahead of him as he realizes that he is afraid of heights. He is, of course, suffering from castration anxiety. The ability to chase down criminals is important to his work, which is tied directly to his role as a male, providing for himself. If he is unable to perform adequately, it will signify that he is impotent. When he fails to save the life of the policeman who is trying to save him, he is effectively castrated.

~Jared Wheeler, MovieGoings


Click here if you?re looking for Vertigo?s screenplay.
Click here to download my Vertigo screenplay analysis.

Vertigo: The History

Vertigo Screenplay History Hitchock

Vertigo was adapted from the French novel, The Living and the Dead (D?entre les morts) by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac. Paramount Pictures paid $25,275 for the book?s rights and Hitchcock commissioned the screen adaptation from playwright Maxwell Anderson, most famous for his Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Both Your Houses. When Hitchcock was unsatisfied with Anderson?s draft, longtime friend and collaborator, Angus MacPhail, was hired. Possibly due to the fact he was a raging alcoholic, MacPhail quit after completing only fifteen pages (Fun fact: Hitchcock biographer Donald Spoto credits MacPhail with coining the term ?MacGuffin?). Alec Coppel was hired as the film?s third screenwriter, but Hitch rejected his work, too. Ultimately, Samuel A. Taylor wrote the final draft, with his most notable contribution outside of the source material being the Midge character. The final film credits both Coppel and Taylor after Coppel protested the Screen Writers Guild and the guild ruled in his favor.

Principal photography lasted an estimated sixty-eight days, from September 30 to December 19, 1957 and Vertigo was released less than five months later, on May 28, 1958 to lukewarm reviews. Initially, the film did not turn much of a profit, costing nearly $2.5 million to produce, which did not include the salaries (and undisclosed percentages on gross) for both Hitchcock and Stewart. At the end of its run, it brought in just $2.8 million in the United States. However, the film has stood the test of time and is now considered by many as Hitchcock?s masterpiece, most recently knocking Citizen Kane down to number two on The British Film Institute?s The Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time.

After half a century of monopolising the top spot, Citizen Kane was beginning to look smugly inviolable. Call it Schadenfreude, but let?s rejoice that this now conventional and ritualised symbol of ?the greatest? has finally been taken down a peg. The accession of Vertigo is hardly in the nature of a coup d??tat. Tying for 11th place in 1972, Hitchcock?s masterpiece steadily inched up the poll over the next three decades, and by 2002 was clearly the heir apparent. Still, even ardent Wellesians should feel gratified at the modest revolution ? if only for the proof that film canons (and the versions of history they legitimate) are not completely fossilised.

VERTIGO: The Analysis

Vertigo Screenplay Theme

Above all else, Vertigo is a film about redemption. The prologue establishes a world where the bad guy gets away and the good guy gets his teeth kicked in. As a detective, Scottie doesn?t get his man. It?s survival of the fittest and he?s an older man, well past his prime. The accident reminds him nature doesn?t see things in terms of black and white, or good and evil. So, when he he?s forced into retirement from the accident, he feels no value in society. He didn?t get the bad guy, then fate stepped in and told him he won?t have the chance to redeem himself with the San Francisco Police Department. Did you ever ask yourself why Scottie and the officer were pursuing that suspect? Well, that guy must have done something bad, because they were shooting at him and he didn?t appear to have a weapon. That subtext is powerful. One simple question can open a door to the darkest corner of your mind. In those terms, Scottie solving the murder of Elster?s wife is his path to reestablishing his self-worth, but more important, its the path to his redemption.

Vertigo Screenplay Scottie and Madeleine

The film literary beats the living hell out of Scottie, both emotionally and physically. He suffers from acrophobia, which triggers vertigo (today, he would most certainly be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder). The simple act of walking up a flight of stairs could trigger it. Think about that for a second. He lives in San Francisco. There are dangers everywhere, especially in a city with streets like Filbert between Leavenworth & Hyde. He has his career cut short by an unfortunate accident, falls for a woman that kills herself,? suffers a breakdown as a result, and then meets a woman who looks just like the love he lost. Yeah, Scottie?s a fighter. I doubt just anyone could come through those kind of breaks triumphant.

Only in times of great stress is your character truly challenged

Scottie falls in love with the woman he?s hired to shadow, moreover, an old friend?s wife. Elster appears to Scottie as a man deeply troubled by his wife?s emotional state. There?s no ethical dilemma in Scottie?s decision to pursue Madeleine. He doesn?t think twice about it. Why? Because his passion for Madeleine is an escape from madness. He tosses aside his values to feel alive, but above all else, he wants to feel hopeful again. The irony, of course, is that he falls for a suicidal woman. But is it really that much of a coincidence? He feels that close to death himself. From that perspective, if he can slay Madeleine?s demons, he?s got a real shot at killing his, too. This addition to the story is one of many pieces that make Scottie one of the most compelling and unique characters ever put on film.

Vertigo: The Theme of Masks

Vertigo Screenplay Opening Images

When it comes to theme, this film can open up a wide range of topics. I discussed the theme of self-worth through identity in the In the opening paragraphs. This analysis wouldn?t feel complete without mentioning the theme of masks. Perhaps this is the reason Hitchcock chose to open on the face of a woman we never see again. In the first scene at Midge?s apartment, Scottie looks like a guy that?s got it together. Seemingly to terms the event that opens the story, he has a charming dry wit about it, saying, ?Midge, do you suppose many men wear corsets,? but a few steps up the ladder and we can clearly see he?s teetering on madness.

Vertigo Screenplay Judy


Judy, his object of desire, wears the mask of Elster?s wife. Push that idea a bit further and you could say she?s playing the part of a woman who believes she?s another person at times. That?s not much of a stretch for an actress of her caliber. In the end, you could go to the extent of saying it?s the perfect mixture of guilt and love for Scottie that has her put on a mask to reveal her true identity. Ironically, her fate was to die the way her subject was believed to have perished.

Vertigo Screenplay Gavin Elster Carlotta Valdez


Elster represents himself a reputable businessman who fears for his wife?s safety, only to be revealed as the man who takes her life. His motive is established in his first scene. He married into money, but was forced into running his wife?s family shipping business. She has no more family left, so daddy?s little girl?s dependent on him and him alone. Elster dreams of living in a different time. It?s quite plausible his expectations of a life with money did not live up to the bitter truths. And he hides his true face from everyone, even his mistress, with whom he leaves a necklace, some money, and all the guilt. Even our detective doesn?t figure it all out until Elster?s safe, hiding somewhere in Europe.

Verigo Script Majorie "Midge" Wood


Midge comes across as an independent woman with an impenetrable boundary on her relationship with Scottie. When she shows him her recreation of? ?Portrait of Carlotta? with her face, it offends Scottie enough to leave her apartment. Seconds later, Midge has a breakdown, displaying a hidden passion she would never reveal.

Vertigo: The Alternate Ending

Vertigo Screenplay Alternate Ending Hitchock

I can see why Hitchcock contemplated using this. The ending is such a shock, a little more resolution may have felt right. In the end, I?m glad he cut it. The final shot of Scottie stepping out on the tower?s ledge signifies he?s not only cured of his acrophobia, but he?s redeemed his identity through solving the crime. No need to say anything else. Below you?ll find the original ending from the screenplay:

Midge is huddled in a chair, listening to the radio. Beyond her, San Francisco at night.


-- was last hear of living, but is now thought to be residing somewhere in the south of France. Captain Hansen states that he anticipated no trouble in having Elster extradited once he is foud. Other news on the local front: in Berkeley three university of California sophomores found themselves in a rather embarrassing position tonight when they were discovered by Police Officer William Fogarty leading a cow up the steps of --

By now Midge has heard the NOISE outside, has uncoiled from the chair and shut the radio. She listens again for a moment, then moves quickly to the table on which are bottles, glasses and ice. She starts to mix a strong highball and does not turn as she hears the front door open. Scottie enters and closes the door behind him. His face is a mask. He moves slowly across the room and stands by the window, with the view of San Francisco beyond him, and looks straight ahead, thinking. Midge picks up the highball, glances over at him, picks up the bottle and pours in another slug. Then moves across the room and holds out the drink. Scottie takes it. Midge moves away, picks up her own drink, sits down, and looks across the room. Scottie stands quietly, immobile, then raises the glass and takes a long pull at the drink. He stares out at the city.


What do you guys think? Do you believe this ending would have suited the film better?

Vertigo: Hitchcock on Judy?s Transformation

Remember how I mentioned the power of subtext? Hey, look on the bright side: At least Hitchcock was classy enough to frame Stewart from the waste up.

Die-hard Hitchcock fans can listen to the entire interview between Hitchcock and Truffaut by following the links on Open Culture?s post. From their article:

Back in 1962, Fran?ois Truffaut, the inspiration behind French New Wave cinema, sat down to talk with another legendary director, Alfred Hitchcock. Conducted with the help of a translator, Truffaut?s interviews worked systematically through Hitchcock?s life and vast filmography, moving from his early films shot it Britain (Blackmail, The 39 Steps, Secret Agent), to his later Hollywood productions ? North by Northwest, Psycho and Vertigo. In total, the two filmmakers talked for over 12 hours, and, several years later, Truffaut published a now classic book based on these conversations: Alfred Hitchcock: A Definitive Study (1967).

Click here if you?re looking for Vertigo?s screenplay.
Click here to download my Vertigo screenplay analysis.

Vertigo: The Story Map

Vertigo Screenplay Story Map

PROTAGONIST: John ?Scottie? Ferguson, 50-something retired detective
CHARACTERIZATION/MAIN MISBEHAVIOR: Suffers from acrophobia / Haunted by the past
EXTERNAL GOAL: To help Madeline / To transform Judy into Madeline / To solve the crime
INTERNAL GOAL: To reclaim his self-worth
MAIN DRAMATIC CONFLICT: Madeleine / Elster / Judy
THEMES: Identity in relation to self-worth / Masks
CENTRAL DRAMATIC QUESTION: Will Scottie solve the crime and regain his sanity?
ENDING: Scottie regains his identity as a man (detective) by solving murder of Elster?s wife and curing his acrophobia.
ARC: Scottie goes from a broken, haunted man, to a man who battles tremendous odds to regain his sanity and reclaim his self-worth.

Vertigo: The Story Engines

Vertigo Screenplay Story Engines


Detective John ?Scottie? Ferguson pursues a suspect across the rooftops of San Francisco. He falls behind and is unable to make the leap between two buildings. As Scottie hangs from a flimsy gutter, a fellow officer falls to his death in an attempt to save him. For Scottie, it seems the only way out is down?

Act I

Scottie?s hired by an old friend, Gavin Elster, to investigate the strange behavior of his wife, Madeleine, whom he believes is having an emotional breakdown and is a danger to herself. Scottie soon uncovers Madeleine?s obsession with a dead woman.

Act II-A

Madeleine attempts to kill herself, but Scottie saves her. Scottie falls for Madeleine, his feelings outweighing any professional or personal relationship with her husband. He feels a great deal of personal responsibility for her safety and seeks to solve her mental issues.

Act II-B

Scottie attempts to help Madeleine cure herself through exposure to the reality of her dream. For the first time, Scottie battles his acrophobia in an effort to save her, but sadly, he loses and she kills herself. He then suffers a mental breakdown and is institutionalized. Upon his release, he meets a woman named Judy, who bears a striking resemblance to Madeleine, and asks her out on a date, which she accepts.


Obsessed with Madeleine, Scottie transforms Judy into her and exposes a clue that brings him back to reality: Carlotta?s necklace. Scottie makes the decision to relive the moment that destroyed his life, knowing to trigger an emotional shock will either fuel his redemption or his destruction. This scene pulls us full circle from the film?s prologue, where Scottie can regain his identity as a man (detective and police officer) by solving the crime and curing his acrophobia. He succeeds, but tragically, Judy falls to her death in the tower after being startled by a nun.

Vertigo: The Beats

Vertigo Screenplay Beats


Sequence I: Detective John ?Scottie? Ferguson, the film?s protagonist, pursues a suspect across the rooftops of San Francisco with a fellow officer. He falls behind and is unable to make the leap between two buildings. When the officer attempts to save Scottie as he hangs from a flimsy gutter, the officer falls to his death. For Scottie, it seems the only way out is down?

1 ? OPENING IMAGES: A woman?s face. The camera closes in on her eye as Vertigo appears on the screen?

4 ? DETECTIVE JOHN ?SCOTTIE? FERGUSON and an OFFICER chase a SUSPECT across rooftops of downtown San Francisco.

Vertigo Screenplay Prologue

4 ? The suspect and pursuing officer leap between two buildings. Scottie attempts, but lands awkwardly. He latches onto a flimsy gutter at the last possible second ? the only thing between him and the pavement.

5 ? The officer attempts to help, but falls to his death instead. Scottie?s helpless, paralyzed with fear. It seems the only way out is down?



Sequence I: Scottie quit the force as a result of his injuries from the accident that took the life of his fellow officer. His good friend Midge believes only another emotional shock could cure him of his acrophobia and vertigo.

Vertigo Screenplay Midge

7 ? Sometime in the future, Scottie chats with MAJORIE ?MIDGE? WOOD. Scottie has quit the force after the incident. He talks about his injuries (he wears a corset and walks with a cane), as well as his acrophobia and vertigo.

9 ? SCOTTIE?S CURE SETUP: Scottie and Midge discuss curing his acrophobia?


Midge, what did you mean, there?s no losing it?




My ... the acrophobia.


I asked my doctor. He said only another emotional shock could do it, and probably wouldn?t. And you?re not going to go diving off another rooftop to find out.


I think I can lick it.

11 ? Scottie stands on a chair. He looks out the window and his vertigo kicks in? he flashes back to the view from the rooftop incident and loses his balance. Midge catches him.


Sequence II: Scottie meets with an old college friend, Gavin Elster. Elster hires Scottie to shadow his wife, whom he believes is having an emotional breakdown and is a danger to herself.

12 ? ELSTER?S MOTIVE SETUP: Scottie meets with his old college friend, GAVIN ELSTER.


How?d you get into the shipbuilding business, Gavin?


I married into it.

Scottie shoots him a small surprised smile of approval at his frankness, then looks out the window again.


Interesting business.


No, to be honest, I find it dull.


You don?t have to do it for a living.


No. But one assumes obligations. My wife?s family is all gone; someone has to look after her interest.

Vertigo Screenplay Inciting Incident

14 ? INCITING INCIDENT: Elster gets down to business: He wants Scottie to follow his wife. He believes she?s in danger from someone who is dead.


Scottie, do you believe that someone out of the past, someone dead, can enter and take possession of a living being?




If I told you I believe that this happened to my wife, what would you say?


I?d say you?d better take her to the nearest psychiatrist, psychologist, neurologist, psychoanalyst, or plain family doctor. And I?d have him check you both.

17 ? Scottie apologizes. With one final plea for help, Elster convinces him to take the job.


Sequence III: Scottie follows Madeleine for the day and observes her visit a grave and a portrait in an art gallery. He discovers Madeleine visited grave of the woman in the portrait and has assumed this woman?s identity.

Vertigo Script Madeleine

18 ? At Ernie?s Restaurant, Scottie sees Elster?s wife, a beautiful blonde-haired woman in her mid-twenties.

20 ? STRONG MOVEMENT FORWARD: Outside the Brocklebank Apartments, Scottie waits across the street for Madeline to leave. He follows her to an alleyway and watches her pass through a ?decrepit-looking door.?

22 ? After a few moments pass, Scottie enters behind her, only to discover it?s a flower shop. Madeleine buys a nosegay.

Vertigo Screenplay Carlotta Valdez

25 ? Scottie follows Madeline through the Dolores Mission and into its graveyard, where he observes her gazing at a headstone. She leaves still carrying the nosegay.

Scottie quickly takes an envelope from his pocket and also takes out a pencil. He starts to write down something as he looks at the headstone.

INSERT ? The name on the headstone reads: Carlotta Valdes. Born December 3, 1831. Died March 5, 1857.

27 ? Scottie follows Madeline into an art gallery. She sits on a bench, observing a portrait of a young blonde woman in a 19th century costume. Not only does Madeline carry the same nosegay in the portrait, but she also wears the same hairstyle.

28 ? A gallery attendant tells Scottie the name of the painting is the ?Portrait of Carlotta.?

29 ? Madeline enters the McKittrick Hotel, an old home converted to an apartment hotel. Scottie observes her in the second floor window.

Vertigo Screenplay End of Act One Turn

31 ? END OF ACT ONE TURN: In the hotel lobby, Scottie questions the MANAGERESS regarding Madeline. After Scottie shows her his badge, gives up the privacy of her resident, referring to Madeline as Carlotta Valdes.


She only comes to sit. Two or three times a week. And I never ask questions, you know. As long as they?re well behaved. I must say that I?ve wondered --


(Cutting her off)

When she comes down, don?t say that I?ve been here.

And he turns away to go, wondering.



Oh, but she hasn?t been here today.

32 ? Scottie follows the manageress to the room and finds it empty. He looks outside and discovers her car is gone.

32 ? Back at the Brocklebank Apartments, Madeleine?s car is parked with the nosey in plain sight, resting on the dashboard.



Sequence I: The danger escalates. If Madeleine believes herself to be Carlotta, will she attempt to kill herself as Carlotta did?

33 ? Scottie asks Midge about San Francisco history. She recommends Pop Leibel, owner of the Argosy Book Shop.

Vertigo Screenplay Pop Leibel

35 ? Scottie questions POP LEIBEL about Carlotta and discovers Madeleine?s rent house was built for Carlotta by a man named Ives.


I cannot tell you how much time passed, or how much happiness there was. But then he threw her away. He had no other children; his wife no children. He kept the child and thew her away. Men could do that in those days. They had power ... and the freedom. And she became the Sad Carlotta. Alone in the great house ... walking the streets alone, her clothes becoming old and patched and dirty ... the Mad Carlotta ... stopping people in the streets to ask, ?Where is my child? ... have you seen my child? ...

36 ? MADELEINE?S SUICIDE SETUP: Pop reveals Carlotta killed herself.

38 ? Scottie drops off Midge, but before he can force her out of his car, she figures out their visit to Pop was in regards to Elster and his wife.


Sequence II: Carlotta is revealed to be Madeleine?s great grandmother. Elster reveals Madeleine?s behavior problems did not begin until she wore Carlotta?s jewelry. Scottie is perplexed. He doesn?t believe in the supernatural, but can?t put two-and-two together. Adding to the confusion, Madeleine doesn?t know her great grandmother?s background.

39 ? Scottie meets with Elster. He reveals Madeleine inherited some of Carlotta?s jewelry and that her behavioral issues didn?t begin until she started wearing the pieces. Further, Elster reveals that Carlotta was Madeleine?s great grandmother.



Well, that explains it. Anyone could develop an obsession for the past, with a background like that.


But she doesn?t know about her background.

(As Scottie stares, narrowly)

She never heard of Carlotta Valdes.

40 ? Elster reveals he received this information from Madeleine?s mother, before she died.


Why did she never tell her daughter?


Natural fear. Her grandmother went insane and took her own life. And the blood is in Madeleine.


Scottie, I ask you to watch her closely.

Scottie raises his glass and drinks slowly, thoughtfully.


Sequence III: Madeleine attempts to kill herself, but Scottie saves her.

41 ? Scottie observes Madeleine at the art gallery again, studying her great-grandmother?s portrait with the nosegay in her hand.

Vertigo Screenplay First Trial

43 ? FIRST TRIAL: Scottie follows to the dockside below The Golden Gate Bridge and observes her toss the flowers from the nosegay into the ocean. He keeps his distance until she throws herself into the bay?s water. He quickly dives in and saves her.


Sequence IV: Scottie gets too close to his subject. It?s more than obvious he?s fallen for her and can?t be objective about the case anymore.

45 ? Scottie takes Madeleine back to his apartment, where she sleeps naked in his bed. A phone call wakes her. Cutting his call short, he gives her a robe and some privacy.

46-50 ? Madeleine believes she fainted when she fall into the bay. When Scottie brings it up, she reveals she?s never been inside the art gallery.

51 ? Madeleine, a bit more at easy, begins to question Scottie, flirting with him a bit.

52 ? Scottie takes a call from Elster. He tells Elster that Madeleine fell into the bay and assures him she is safe. Just as Elster reveals Madeleine is the same age as Carlotta when she took her life, Scottie hears his front door close.

53 ? MIDGE?S MASK SETUP: Outside, Midge sees Madeleine leave Scottie?s apartment.


Sequence V: Scottie falls for Madeleine. His feelings for her outweigh any professional or personal relationship with her husband. He feels a great deal of personal responsibility for her safety and desires to help her solve her mental issues.

55 ? The next day, Scottie follows Madeleine around the city. She drives a long time, finally ending up at Scottie?s apartment.

Vertigo Script Madeleine

56 ? Scottie approaches her, it?s quite obvious there?s a mutual attraction. She explains she simply dropping off a thank you note.

57 ? Madeleine says goodbye. She gets inside her car and Scottie approaches, asking where she?s going?


I just thought I?d wander.




That?s what I was going to do.


Oh, yes, I forgot: It?s your occupation, isn?t it?

And she waits with a small smile.


Don?t you think it?s sort of a waste for the two of us to...


Wander separately? Ah, but only one is a wanderer. Two, together, are always going somewhere.

60 ? Madeline drives Scottie to the Big Basin Redwoods State Park. They stop at large Sequoia?

Madeleine and Scottie near the massive trunk of a tree. Beyond them, the small stream, bridged by a wide flattened redwood log.


How old?


Oh ... some, two thousand years, or more.


The oldest living things?

Scottie nods and watches her, wondering, as she looks about thoughtfully.


You?ve never been here before.

She shakes her head, lost in thought as she lets her gaze wander among the trees.


What are you thinking?



Of all the people who have been born ... and have died ... while the trees went on living.



Their true name is Sequoia Sempervirens: always green, ever-living.



I don?t like them.





Knowing I have to die....

60 ? Madeline moves over to an exhibit of redwood tree cut in half, rings marked with dates to indicate what the tree lived through. Madeline traces her fingers over the rings?


Somewhere in here I was born ... and here I died and it was only a moment for you .. you took no notice ...

62 ? Scottie attempts to question Madeleine regarding the incident in the bay, but she ignores his questions, pleading with him to not ask her about again. Scottie says nothing more. He takes her by the arm and leads her out of the forest.

63 ? They pull in to Cypress Point. Madeline runs to the cliff?s edge. Scottie chases after her. She turns to face him as he approaches?


Why did you run?

He looks down at her searchingly.


(Finally, quietly)

I?m responsible for you now, you know. The Chinese say that once you have saved someone?s life, you are responsible for it forever. And so I?m committed. And I have to know.


And you?ll go on saving me? Again and again?

64 ? Madeleine lets Scottie in, explaining visions of someone from the past that is her. Further, there is an open grave that is hers. The dream expands to a tower and garden. She believes it?s in Spain.

Vertigo Screenplay Midpoint

65 ? MIDPOINT: Scottie takes Madeleine in his arms, reassuring her that she?s not mad and he?ll help her sort it out. They kiss.



Sequence I: Scottie?s relationship with Midge deteriorates. When Madeleine appears frightened at his doorstep in the early morning, she tells him of her nightmare. He believes, like Midge referenced with his acrophobia, exposure to the reality of her psychosis will provide the cure she needs.

68 ? MIDGE?S MASK PAYOFF: Midge asks Scottie where he?s been spending his time, but he evades her questions. She then shows him a painting she?s made: a recreation of Carlotta?s portrait with Midge in place of Carlotta. Scottie doesn?t find it amusing and walks out on Midge.

70 ? Scottie is woken in the early morning with Madeleine trembling at his door. She tells him of her nightmare.

72 ? Scottie believes the location described in her nightmare is a an old Spanish mission, Mission San Juan Bautista. Madeleine assures him she?s never been there before. He tells her he?ll take her to the mission, she?ll remember she saw it, and then, she?ll be free from her terror.


Sequence II: Scottie takes Madeleine to the Spanish Mission she described in her dream. He professes his love for her, which she seems to reciprocate, but talks Scottie into letting her visit the church on her own. Scottie lets her go, but sees the church?s bell tower and realizes he?s made a terrible mistake. For the first time, Scottie battles his acrophobia in an effort to save Madeleine, chasing her up the bell tower staircase, but sadly, he loses and Madeleine kills herself.

75 ? MADELEINE IS JUDY SETUP: At the Mission, Scottie assures Madeleine there?s an answer for everything in her dream. He professes his love for her, but for some reason, she believes it?s too late for them?


You believe that I love you?




And if you lose me, you?ll know that I loved you and wanted to go on loving you.


I won?t lose you.



Let me go into the church alone.




Please. Because I love you.

76 ? Scottie lets Madeleine go into the church alone, but seconds later, he sees the church tower and puts two and two together. He chase after her?

Vertigo Screenplay Declaration of War

77 ? DECLARATION OF WAR: Scottie chases Madeleine up the bell tower staircase. He attempts to fight his vertigo, but it consumes him and he can?t catch her.

77 ? MADELINE?S SUICIDE PAYOFF: Madeleine jumps from the tower bell, killing herself on impact.


Sequence III: The Coroner?s Inquest rules Scottie and Elster were not responsible for Madeleine?s death. The official brings up the fact that Scottie used poor judgment in letting Madeleine go after knowing full well of her suicidal tendency. The guilt weighs on Scottie.

81 ? At the Coroner?s Inquest on Madeleine?s death, THE OFFICIAL brings up Scottie?s history and the accident that took another officer?s life. He questions Scottie?s judgment to let her go after knowing of her suicidal tendencies. Further, he brings up the fact Scottie ran back to his apartment, claiming a mental blackout.

82 ? The jury concludes Madeleine committed suicide while of ?unsound mind.?

83 ? Elster approaches Scottie after the jury?s verdict. Elster claims he?s leaving the country after he wraps up her affairs and won?t come back. He places no ill-will or blame on Scottie.


There was no way for them to understand. But you and I know who killed Madeleine.

84 ? Scottie grieves for Madeleine at her grave.

85 ? The infamous nightmare sequence. Scottie revisits the accident, Elster, Carlotta Valdes and his vertigo. He wakes from his nightmare in a panic.


Sequence IV: Scottie suffers a mental breakdown and is institutionalized. The doctor believes his recovery will be a long road.

Vertigo Screenplay Scottie & Midge

87 ? Midge visits Scottie at his sanitarium bedroom. She attempts to lift his spirits, but Scottie is expressionless, mute.

88 ? Midge visits Scottie?s DOCTOR. The doctor believes Scottie?s road to recovery will take at least six months, perhaps a year. When Midge mentions Scottie was in love with Madeleine, the doctor?s reaction tells her there?s a long road ahead for him.


Sequence V: Upon his release from the institution, it is obvious Scottie still grieves for Madeleine. When he sees a woman who resembles her, he feels hopeful and asks her out on a date.

90 ? Outside the Brocklebank Apartments, Scottie sees a woman that resembles Madeleine from a distance. He approaches as he sees her walk toward?s Madeleine?s green Jaguar, but quickly discovers it a woman who purchased her car from Elster.

91 ? Scottie revisits Ernie?s Restaurant, the place where he first saw Madeleine. A woman walks towards him who looks just like her. The closer she gets, the resemblance fades.

92 ? Scottie goes back to the art gallery at The Palace of the Legion of Honor and sees a woman observing the Carlotta painting.

Vertigo Screenplay End of Act Two Turn

92 ? END OF ACT TWO TURN: Outside the flower shop, Scottie sees Madeliene?s nosegay in the display window. He turns to a group of showgirls approaching?

The one nearest to Scottie, seen in profile, might have the same features as Madeleine. He cannot be sure. This girl?s hair is dark, where Madeleine?s was light; her features on closer inspection seem heavier, and she wears much more makeup. And yet there is something about the way she carries herself. The other girls cross the street while the one nearest to Scottie goes on alone. He instinctively turns and follows.

93 ? The woman arrives at the Empire Hotel. From across the street, Scottie sees her emerge in a third floor window.

94-96 ? MADELEINE IS JUDY SETUP 2: Scottie knocks on the door of the woman. Her name is JUDY BARTON. She is hesitant to speak, but lets him in the room. Curiously, she?s defensive about her identity. Scottie?s too wrapped up in the moment. Her actions do not raise suspicion.

97 ? Judy asks if she looks like a woman Scottie used to know. Digging a bit deeper, she asks if this woman is dead. Scottie confirms her guess. This puts her at ease and she becomes more receptive to Scottie.

Vertigo Screenplay End of Act Two Decision

98 ? DECISION: Scottie asks Judy out to dinner?



Dinner ... and what else?


Just dinner.


Because I remind you of her?


Because I?d like to have dinner with you.


Sequence VI: Bridge between Act II & III. Here, the audience is given information the protagonist is unaware of. Judy, in fact, was Madeleine?s double. She portrayed Madeleine in a complicated scheme for Elster to murder his wife. This guilt weighs on Judy, as she developed feelings for Scottie during their brief time together.

  • Note: Hitchcock included this scene in the first preview, but cut it, believing it wasn?t necessary to understand Judy?s dilemma at this point in the film. It was Paramount Pictures? President, Barney Balaban, who ordered the scene put back.

98 ? Scottie leaves the room. Judy?s face reveals guilt she was hiding.

99 ? JUDY IS MADELEINE PAYOFF 1: Payoff for audience, a flashback to the mission tower?


101 ? Judy pulls a suitcase from the closet. She stops in midst of packing and writes a letter to Scottie.


Dearest Scottie ... and so you?ve found me. This is the moment I dreaded and hoped for, -- wondering what I would say and do if ever I saw you again, I wanted so to see you again. Just once. Now I?ll go and you can give up your search.


I want you to have peace of mind. You?ve nothing to blame yourself for. You were the victim. I was the tool, you were the victim of a man?s plan to murder his wife. He chose me to play the part because I looked like her. He was quite safe because she lived in the country and rarely came to town. He chose you to be the witness. The Carlotta story was part real, part invented to make you testify that Madeleine wanted to kill herself. He knew of your illness; he knew you would never get up the stairs of the tower. He planned it so well; he made no mistakes.


I made the mistake. I fell in love. That wasn?t part of the plan. I?m still in love with you, and I want you so to love me. If I had the nerve, I would stay and lie, hoping that I could make you love me again, as I am for myself ... and so forget the other and forget the past. But I haven?t the nerve to try...

102 ? Judy rips up the letter, places the suitcase and clothes back in her closet, and gets ready for her dinner with Scottie.



Sequence I: Scottie attempts to move on with Judy, but can?t get Madeleine out of his mind.

103 ? At dinner, Scottie sees a woman that wears a suit similar to the one Madeleine wore on the day of her death.

105 ? Scottie escorts Judy back to her room. He tells her of his feelings, of his desire to take care of her. She pulls away, but her guilt and love for him break down her strength, and she agrees to see him the following day.

105-107 ? Their relationship evolves. Walks through Golden Gate Park. Slow dancing. Scottie buys her flowers.


Sequence II: Scottie becomes obsessed with transforming Judy into Madeleine. Initially, Judy rejects the idea, but her overwhelming guilt and love for Scottie has her concede to his demands. When she?s transformed into Madeleine, she exposes a clue that brings Scottie back to reality: Carlotta?s necklace.

108 ? At Ransohoff?s, Scottie searches for grey tweed suit for Judy. Judy?s guilt shows, knowing full well Scottie?s searching for the suit Madeleine wore the day of the incident.

109 ? Much to Judy?s protest, Scottie demands a dinner dress for her.

111 ? Back at Scottie?s apartment, Scottie pleads with Judy to dress the way he wants.


Couldn?t you like me, just me, the way I am?! When we first started out it was so good! We had fun! And you started on the clothes! I?ll wear the darned clothes if you want me to! If you just like me!

They are face to face, and Scottie is studying her somberly. Beyond them, through the window, w can see that magnificent symbol, the Coit Tower.



The color of your hair...


Ah, no!


Judy, please it can?t matter to you...

She shrinks a little, and is defeated.


The trouble is, I?m gone now. For you. And I can?t do anything about it. I want you to love me. If I let you change me, will that do it? If I do what you tell me, will you love me?




All right. Then I?ll do it. Because I don?t care about me anymore. I just want you to love me.

113 ? As Judy has her hair and makeup done at Elizabeth Arden Salon, Scottie waits for her at her hotel room.

115 ? Judy arrives at the hotel, looking just like Madeline. Scottie makes one last demand: Judy put her hair back like Madeleine. Judy agrees.

Vertigo Screenplay Judy Becomes Madeleine

116 ? Judy comes out of the bathroom and they embrace. The camera pans around them as they kiss, taking them from the hotel room to San Juan Bautista and back to the hotel room.

Vertigo Screenplay Carlotta's Necklace

119 ? MADELEINE IS JUDY PAYOFF 2: As they get ready for dinner, Scottie helps place a necklace on Judy. He realizes what it is ? the necklace from Carlotta?s painting.

As he is fastening it he glances into the mirror and sees the necklace clearly for the first time. His eyes are immediately startled with the shock of recognition, and he stares, wondering why. The CAMERA ZOOMS IN to a closeup of the necklace in the mirror; then, with a click, the close changes to a closeup of the necklace painted on canvas. The CAMERA DRAWS BACK to show the necklace around the neck of Carlotta in the portrait, the same necklace. Now the CAMERA DRAWS BACK to show the Art Gallery, with the Portrait of Carlotta on the far wall. The scene click-changes to a BIG HEAD of SCOTTIE, staring, and during this we hear Judy chattering away.


Sequence III: Scottie makes the decision to relive the moment that destroyed his life, knowing to trigger an emotional shock will either fuel his redemption or his destruction. This scene pulls us full circle from the film?s prologue, where Scottie can regain his identity as a man (detective and police officer) by solving the crime and curing his acrophobia. He succeeds, but tragically, Judy falls from the tower after being startled by a nun.

Vertigo Screenplay Point of No Return

120 ? POINT OF NO RETURN: In the car with Judy, Scottie drives out of the city with a sense of purpose?

Judy looking at Scottie, puzzled and slightly apprehensive.


Where are you going?



To complete my cure.

He glances at her and smiles nicely.


One final thing I have to do, and then I?ll be rid of the past, forever.

He looks ahead thoughtfully.

121 ? They arrive at San Juan Bautista. Judy?s frightened with Scottie?s behavior.


No, I don?t want to go. I want to stay here.


I need you.




I can?t do it alone. I need you to be Madeleine for awhile. Then, when it?s done, we?ll both be free.

122 ? Scottie pulls Judy into the church, walking through the day of the incident?

Judy is rigid with fright and the memory of that moment.


And I couldn?t follow her.

(He closes his eyes in the agony of remembering)

God knows I tried.

(He glances down)

One doesn?t often get a second chance. I want to stop being haunted. You?re my second chance, Judy.

123 ? Scottie forces Judy up the stairs as he follows close behind?

124 ? Scottie fights his vertigo on the way.

125 ? Scottie finally lets Judy in, breaking down the crime as he pulls her up the stairs?

He starts to drag her up the stairs and she fights it, close to hysteria.


Scottie, please...!


But you knew, that day, that I wouldn?t be able to follow you didn?t you. Who was at the top when you got there? Elster? With his wife?




And she was the one who died. Not you. The real wife. You were the copy, you were the counterfeit. Was she dead or alive when you got there?


Dead. He?d broken her neck.


Took no chances, did he? And when you got there, he pushed her off the tower, was that it? But you were the one who screamed. Why did you scream?


I wanted to stop it, I ran up to stop it --


Why? Since you?d tricked me so well up to then?!! You played his wife so well, Judy! He made you over, didn?t he? Just as I?ve done. But better! Not just the hair and clothes! the look! the manner! the words! Those beautiful phony trances! That jump into the Bay! I?ll be you?re really a strong swimmer, aren?t you! Aren?t you!!

The blind frantic nodding got her head as she struggles against him is his affirmation.


Did he train you? Rehearse you? Teach you want to say and what to do?




And you were such an apt pupil! What fun you two must have had, playing games with me! Why me? Why did he pick on me?!!


Your accident...


Ah, yes! I was set-up. I was the made-to-order witness. Where is he now?


I don?t know ... Switzerland?


We?ll find him.

They have reached the door to the tower and he stops, with a grim, almost triumphant smile.


I made it.

Vertigo Screenplay Climax

126 ? CLIMAX & SCOTTIE?S CURE PAYOFF: Scottie makes it to the top of the tower. He has cured his acrophobia and solved the crime.

127 ? Scottie drags Judy into the bell tower?


Did he ditch you?

An almost imperceptible nod from her. Scottie almost laughs.


Oh, Judy!! When he had all her money, and the freedom and the power ... he ditched you? What a shame! But he knew he was safe. You couldn?t talk. Didn?t he give you anything?



Some money.


And the necklace. Carlotta?s necklace. That was your mistake, Judy. One shouldn?t keep souvenirs of a killing. You shouldn?t have been that sentimental.

128 ? Judy pleads with Scottie to love her.


(softly, pleading)

Love me ... keep me safe...



Too late ... too late ... there?s no bringing her back.

Suddenly Judy?s eyes, looking past him, go wide with horror.


The figure of a woman draped in black stands motionless in the shadows by the door.


The black figure moves forward, seems to merge with the shadow and become part of them.


Pulls out of Scottie?s arms and backs away, terrified.



No ... no...

She is backing perilously close to the edge of the drop below. Scottie stares at her for a moment, then swings around to see what she is looking at.


The black figure advances into a shaft of moonlight. It is a nun.



I heard voices...

There is a terrible scream.

Scottie swings around again, steps quickly to the edge and looks down. He backs away, his face tight with horror and holds the stonework for support. The nun comes into the SHOT. She steels herself to look below. She crosses herself.


God have mercy...

She reaches out for the bell cord.

Vertigo Screenplay The End

128 ? THE END.

Vertigo: The Downloadable Analysis

Vertigo Screenplay Analysis

I?ve provided a downloadable analysis of Vertigo, which breaks down the protagonist?s characterization, misbehaviors, internal and external goals, theme, central dramatic question, story engines, plus a complete beat breakdown. This is based on Daniel P. Calvisi?s Story Maps method. Dan is a story analyst, screenplay consultant, author and screenwriter. If you?re serious about the craft of screenwriting, I highly recommend checking out Dan?s site, Act Four Screenplays, and his e-book, Story Maps: How to Write a GREAT Screenplay. You can purchase Dan?s book from or the iTunes Store.

Click here if you?re looking for Vertigo?s screenplay.
Click here to download my Vertigo screenplay analysis.


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