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Experts Blame IT Spoofing on Lack of Awareness About Digital Security

RIYADH, 23 April ? Inadequate knowledge of firewalls and other elements of the data security system is rendering some of the Kingdom?s major organizations vulnerable to cyber attacks. ?One of the problems we have faced ?


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Affirmative action defended by American Educational Research Association in Fisher v. University of Texas

Sept. 28, 2012

Dive Summary:

  • In a briefing held to discuss the science behind the American Educational Research Association's amicus brief, scholars from that organization argued Thursday that race-blind admissions policies would be harmful to students of all races and ethnic groups.
  • The Supreme Court is set to hear Fisher v. University of Texas?in less than two weeks, and the lead lawyer on the AERA amicus brief, Angelo Ancheta, says there are two question the court will have to consider in the case that could change the admissions landscape--whether promoting diversity on campus is a compelling government issue, and whether Texas' policy is narrowly tailored to achieve a specific end.
  • The last time the court heard a case challenging affirmative action in college admissions, they decided in favor of the University of Michigan's law school on the basis that they had a narrowly tailored policy that served a compelling government interest, though they ruled against the school in a parallel case involving its main undergraduate program.

From the article:

Race-blind admissions policies would harm students from all racial and ethnic groups, a group of scholars who support affirmative action argued Thursday, less than two weeks before the Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could change the landscape of admissions dramatically. "Race-neutral policies simply do not work at the same level affirmative action does," said Stella Flores, an assistant professor in Vanderbilt University's Department of Leadership, Policy & Organizations. ...


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Humanist NewsWire: Napolitano Promises Written Guidance To ...

Napolitano Promises Written Guidance To Recognize Same-Sex Relationships In Deportation Proceedings
omeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano on Friday pledged in a letter (PDF) to consider a gay or lesbian person?s relationship status in deportation proceedings, bringing relief to many bi-national gay and lesbian couples whose relationships aren?t recognized because of the Defense of Marriage Act.
While this echoes an earlier commitment from the Department of Homeland Security, it is the first time such guidance will be provided in writing:
In an effort to make clear the definition of the phrase ?family relationships,? I have directed ICE to disseminate written guidance to the field that the interpretation of the phrase ?family relationships? includes long-term, same-sex partners. As with every other factor identified in Director Morton?s June 11 memorandum, the applicability of the ?family relationships? factor is weighed on an individualized basis in the consideration of whether prosecutorial discretion is appropriate in a given case.
Napolitano?s commitment is a response to a request for clarification from members of Congress about the deportation process, which currently does not factor in whether a gay or lesbian non-citizen is in a relationship with a citizen ? a right afforded to straight couples.


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Movie Review: See "Trouble with the Curve" at Village Theatre ...

"Trouble with the Curve" is about more than Baseball and it's entertaining.


I truly enjoy watching a movie at Village Theatre. The staff is always friendly and the location convenient for those of us who live in town. My husband and I ventured to see ?Trouble with the Curve? starring Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, Justin Timberlake and John Goodman. From the movie trailers, this looked like a baseball movie. It is a baseball movie, but it isn?t. It is so much more. This movie uses baseball as the commonality between an aging baseball scout, his hard working lawyer daughter, a washed out major leaguer and those who dream of making the big leagues.

Gus Lobel (Clint Eastwood) is an aging scout. He?s one of the best, if not the best, ever. He?s signed big names that are familiar to even those who aren?t fans of the game. Gus lives alone, doesn?t ?do? technology, and is pretty much a grumpy old man. There are a lot of emotions, attitudes and denial that come with getting older as the body fails and it becomes difficult to do that which used to be easy. Gus does things the old fashioned way, his way. He certainly doesn?t want to admit a problem or ask for or take anyone?s help.

Enter Mickey, Gus?s daughter and a lawyer on the verge of partnership in her firm. She has been working hard for seven years for this promotion and if she wins the next big case, she will be the newest partner and the first female to hold such a position. She quells the fear about her gender by explaining that she grew up with her father, travelling around the country to baseball diamonds and hanging out with men who ?swore, drank and farted.? Surely she can handle being the only female partner in the law firm.

It?s getting time for the draft and all eyes are on a power hitter named Bo Gentry. Scouts are following his team around to assess his talent. He can hit, but is he worth a first round draft pick? Gus travels to watch Gentry play and is soon joined by Mickey after longtime friend and colleague Pete Klein implores Mickey to help her dad and make sure he?s okay.
The rest of the movie is the journey Mickey and Gus make to finally connect as father and daughter. It?s a journey for both of them, for the same, but also different, reasons. Does Mickey really enjoy being a lawyer? Is Gus ready to retire? Can they sit in the same room without fighting? Are the mistakes we make permanent and unforgiveable?

This movie made me laugh, sometimes when I wasn?t sure I should, and it made me cry. It made me mad and made me cheer. It was predictable but wonderful. What is wrong with a little predictability and a happy, fairy tale ending in a world that is so not predictable most of the time?

Clint Eastwood was fantastic, as usual.? Amy Adams did a great job playing?Mickey and Justin Timberlake was surprisingly likeable.? Fellow movie goer Maria said, ?We enjoyed it. It was fun!? She also admitted that she liked the movie even though she isn?t really a baseball fan. So, bottom line is this is a very entertaining movie with some great dialogue and a wonderful, heartwarming story. You don?t have to be a baseball fan to be a fan of ?Trouble with the Curve.? ?See movie times here.

Kellee Hearther

Online Editor

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Evolutionary psychologists study the purpose of punishment and reputation

ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2012) ? For two decades, evolutionary scientists have been locked in a debate over the evolved functions of three distinctive human behaviors: the great readiness we show for cooperating with new people, the strong interest we have in tracking others' reputations regarding how well they treat others, and the occasional interest we have in punishing people for selfishly mistreating others.

In an article published September 27 in the journal PLoS ONE, researchers at UC Santa Barbara's Center for Evolutionary Psychology report new findings that may help settle the debate and provide answers to the behavioral puzzle.

As they go about their daily lives, people usually don't know the names of the people they encounter and -- in cities, at least -- typically expect never to see them again, noted Max M. Krasnow, a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at UCSB and the paper's lead author. Despite the fact that these encounters are brief, anonymous, and unlikely to be repeated, however, people often behave as if they are interested in the ongoing well-being and behavior of the strangers they meet.

"Imagine that, while grocery shopping, you see someone help a wheelchair-bound person he or she doesn't know get her bags across the parking lot to her car. For many people, witnessing the action would elicit feelings of kindness toward the helper," Krasnow explained. "Equally, if people see someone driven off the road by a reckless driver, they might become angry enough to pursue and even confront the driver. Evolutionary scientists are interested in why humans have impulses to help the kind stranger or to punish the callous one. At first glance, these sometimes costly impulses seem like they would subtract from the welfare of the individual who exhibited them, and so should be evolutionarily disfavored."

Other contributors to the paper include Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, professors of psychology and anthropology, respectively, and co-directors of UCSB's Center for Evolutionary Psychology; and Eric J. Pedersen, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Miami.

Scientists have struggled for decades to explain these behaviors in evolutionary terms, with two alternative theories gaining prominence. The first proposes that these social inclinations emerged because our ancestors lived in small populations, where every encounter -- even one with a stranger -- had a chance to develop into an ongoing relationship that yielded mutual gains from cooperation. In such a world, paying attention to how those around you treat others could help zero in on the partners most likely to cooperate with you. In addition, letting it be known that you wouldn't allow yourself to be treated poorly would increase the likelihood that you'd be treated well.

The second theory suggests that these behaviors emerged because our ancestors lived in groups that often fought with other groups -- interactions where groups with high levels of internal cooperation would have the advantage over groups in which the members were divisive and exploitative of each other. This theory proposes that these other-oriented social inclinations were designed to cultivate a group-wide culture of cooperation.

"The reason why the debate has dragged on so long is that previous studies unfortunately focused on situations where the two theories made very similar predictions," said Tooby. "We wanted to design studies involving situations where the theories made sharply contrasting predictions, so the results would falsify one theory or the other."

In the studies reported in this paper, over 200 participants were tested in a series of structured social interactions designed to capture the essence of real-world situations like the supermarket mentioned above. "We wanted to know exactly what kinds of information people actually use in deciding who to trust -- that is, who to cooperate with, and who to avoid," said Krasnow. "If our minds are designed to seek out the benefits of cooperative relationships with others, then participants should have preferred to trust those likely to cooperate with them in particular. On the other hand, if our reputational psychology is designed to support group-wide cohesion and cooperation, the participants should have resisted cooperating with those who defected on other group members."

The findings supported the individual cooperation account, not the group cooperation account. "Participants ceased responding to information about whether their partners cheated others when they had good information that their partners would not cheat them," Tooby emphasized.

The researchers were also interested in testing the diverging predictions about what situations should trigger the inclination to punish cheating. "We all recognize that punishing others is costly and unpleasant," said Cosmides. "So what benefits led it to evolve?"

The authors reasoned that tracking the triggers of punishment should illuminate which benefits favored its evolution. "If the impulse to punish evolved as a bargaining tool to defend the individual by deterring against future instances of being cheated, then participants should be inclined to punish others' defections when they themselves would be vulnerable to being cheated by that person in the future," said Kasnow. "On the other hand, if our punitive psychology is designed to defend the group against cheating, then participants should have punished those who mistreated others, regardless of their own personal exposure to continuing mistreatment by that person."

The researchers found that participants strongly conditioned their punishment of their partners' cheating on their own vulnerability to continued bad treatment from their partner. As Krasnow pointed out, people in these experiments systematically avoided expending effort to reform those who only posed a risk to others. Cosmides noted, "It's very hard to reconcile these findings with the group cooperation theory."

These results have significant implications for the science of cooperation. "The current research findings suggest that the human readiness to cooperate, our selectivity in who we cooperate with, and our tendency to respond negatively when we are cheated form an efficient package to forge and maintain strongly cooperative relationships," said Krasnow. "The human tendencies to care about how a person treats others and to protest bad treatment are not simply a thin veneer of cultural norms atop a cold and calculating core. Rather, they represent fundamental features of a universal human social nature."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Santa Barbara.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Krasnow MM, Cosmides L, Pedersen EJ, Tooby J. What Are Punishment and Reputation for? PLoS ONE, 2012; 7(9): e45662 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045662

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Reddit user insults Sikh woman over facial hair, response inspires apology


On Facebook, support for the Sikh woman whose photograph was initially shared via Reddit as a way to ridicule her has has quite the opposite effect.

By Suzanne Choney

A Reddit user who posted a link to a photo of a young Sikh woman with facial hair in Reddit's "funny" thread was met with a torrent of criticism ? and an incredibly gracious response from the woman who said the photo was of her. The story has gone viral around the world, Facebook pages are springing up in support of the young woman, who so far has said little other than what she seems to have shared on Reddit.

The person who started it all identified himself ?european_douchebag? on Reddit (but now has deleted his name). He unleashed the furor when he posted the comment "I'm not sure what to make of this" with a link to a photo of the woman, shown standing in a line, checking her phone.

At first, there were some of the typically juvenile comments we've all grown to expect from such juvenile posts. But the tide turned quickly as Redditors harshly chastized "european_douchebag" ? "Don't do this. Don't take pictures of people you think look weird and post them online," posted "baumkramer." And then the woman believed to be the subject of the photo weighed in, not with barbs, but with benevolence, explaining:

Hey, guys. This is Balpreet Kaur, the girl from the picture. I actually didn't know about this until one of my friends told on facebook. If the OP wanted a picture, they could have just asked and I could have smiled :) However, I'm not embarrased or even humiliated by the attention [negative and positve] that this picture is getting because, it's who I am. Yes, I'm a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair. Yes, I realize that my gender is often confused and I look different than most women. However, baptized Sikhs believe in the sacredness of this body - it is a gift that has been given to us by the Divine Being [which is genderless, actually] and, must keep it intact as a submission to the divine will."

...By transcending societal views of beauty, I believe that I can focus more on my actions. My attitude and thoughts and actions have more value in them than my body because I recognize that this body is just going to become ash in the end, so why fuss about it? When I die, no one is going to remember what I looked like, heck, my kids will forget my voice, and slowly, all physical memory will fade away. However, my impact and legacy will remain: and, by not focusing on the physical beauty, I have time to cultivate those inner virtues and hopefully, focus my life on creating change and progress for this world in any way I can.

Kaur leveled "european_douchebag" with her words. And, to his credit, he apologized, a rarity these days on the interwebz.

"Douchebag" is a 20-year-old from Florida, according to the New York Daily News, who said admitted the the initial post was "ignorant."?

"I never even thought about how she felt or what she was going through. I really admire her faith," he told the newspaper. (He said he doesn't want his name used, and that's understandable considering the less-than-nice reaction he's received from many around the globe.)

We've reached out to Kaur for comment about the experience, and haven't heard back yet.

But more than 1,500 responses have been posted so far on Reddit, most applauding Kaur for her courage and grace.

"This is a lovely lesson in tolerance, forgiveness and getting along with it," wrote "bilva." "European douchebag thought it was harmless what he was doing, Balpreet stayed tolerant and explained ... he realized he was wrong, he went to her and apologized ... and his courage is as exemplary. To say I am sorry I was stupid, is not easy. That is why we have world wars and religious wars."

"You are amazing and a tribute to your culture," posted "byroncox." "you're absolutely gorgeous just the way you are! i applaud you."

Even those women who wax and pluck their facial hair to meet modern-day standards of beauty gave Kaur kudos.

"I wish we all could see the value of a person without looking at how much makeup they have on," wrote "MindfulSpirit." "I have been told how beautiful and put together I am .... yet none of these people know how often I have to pluck my bloody chin ... I wonder how many of these people would tell me the same thing if I let it all grow and hang out ... I hope one day I can live an enlightened life and be at peace with what I have and how my body is." Kaur, she wrote, has achieved "what many of us never will."

Pranksters from "Awesomeness TV" dressed up as Apple employees and pretended to drop boxes of the coveted new iPhone 5 in front of fans who had been waiting for days. TODAY's Natalie Morales reports.

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Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss, zebrafish study suggests | Human Health and Science September 27, 2012 8:04 am You are here:Home Basic Sciences Biology Leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss, zebrafish study suggests


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reverse Graffiti Pen Lets You Clean Up the Same Streets You're Defiling [Graffiti]

You can't be arrested for vandalizing your neighborhood when technically you're cleaning it up—right? That's the general idea behing the Grime Writer pen. It's an oversized felt tip marker that you crack open and fill with soapy water, instead of ink. So when you tag the side of a building, technically you're just removing years of grime and filth. More »


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

97% Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

"Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry" is an insightful, engaging and inspiring documentary about the activist and famed artist. That having been said, I am sure there are some people who might find it strange that I use the word inspiring for an artist who makes his art from smashing antique vases and pointing his middle finger at landmarks, especially Tiananmen Square.(By the way, does anybody know if there are any photos of his middle finger in front of Yankee Stadium?) I think both are symbolic of how nothing is sacred, especially the Chinese government who he is in a running battle with to gain transparency into the inner workings of its bureaucracy. After they shut down his blog, he went on Twitter and distributed his documentaries for free over the internet. His style is definitely confrontational, as somebody says he reminds him of a hooligan, but in a good way.(As Ani DiFranco once sang, being nice is overrated.) Remember, we are all hooligans, right now. Ai Weiwei's activism hit a critical point when he criticized the treatment of the poor during the 2008 Olympics and the response to the Sichuan earthquake which killed several thousand children in faulty construction that has been compared to tofu. As New Yorker magazine correspondent Evan Osnos points out, Ai Weiwei was initially inspired politically by the Iran Contra hearings when he was living in the United States that sought to hold a government responsible but did not work as well as some of us would have liked. So, instead of the fortune his son would inherit, he will have something much more precious to leave him. Now, if I can only figure out if the cat opening the door is supposed to be a metaphor or just darn cute.

September 4, 2012


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

French coalition rift widens over EU budget pact

PARIS (Reuters) - President Francois Hollande's government demanded on Monday its Green allies fall into line over European Union policy after the ecologist party said it would oppose a European Union budget discipline pact in a vote next month.

While the pact is set to pass with votes from Hollande's Socialists and from the right, the Greens' move is the most open defiance of Hollande's authority yet from within his four-month coalition and comes as his popularity ratings are plummeting.

While no admirer of an EU austerity accord created during the rule of his conservative predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, the Socialist Hollande backs the plan to return to balanced budgets as a necessary step to easing the euro sovereign debt crisis.

"I am calling on all members of the EE-LV (Europe Ecology- The Greens) to show some coherence and, frankly, solidarity," said government spokeswoman Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

The Greens' national council at the weekend rejected the pact agreed by EU leaders last March as the wrong response to Europe's rising debt burden and called for talks on an undefined "new European agenda" to tackle the crisis.

Although some Green deputies have threatened for weeks to at least abstain in the vote, the decision stunned even some within the party. Veteran ecologist Daniel Cohn-Bendit called the move "dramatically pathetic" and suspended his party membership.

Ties between Socialists and Greens have been strained by a statement by Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg, a Socialist, suggesting nuclear power was an energy of the future - comments the ecologists feared put in doubt the government's commitment to reducing France's longstanding reliance on the energy source.

Opposition conservatives leapt on the Greens' move on the EU pact as proof of a split within the coalition, and called on their two government representatives, Housing Minister Cecile Duflot and Development Minister Pascal Canfin, to step down.

The two ministers were not immediately available for comment but the Greens' parliamentary group leader Francois de Rugy rejected calls for them to resign and said the Greens were within their rights to reject a pact which they never supported.

"The European pact was not part of the coalition agreement we made with our Socialist allies. This pact is a legacy of the Sarkozy era, it's even dubbed the 'Merkozy pact'," he told Canal Plus television, using the play on words supposed to show Sarkozy's close ties with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


A survey by Ifop pollster released on Sunday showed Hollande's popularity fell to 43 percent from 54 percent in August, the lowest level since he took office in May.

Hollande issued an ambitious pledge this month to revive the economy in two years, but he also conceded that growth next year would fall short of an existing one percent official target, coming in around 0.8 percent instead.

August jobless data due on Wednesday are widely forecast to add to the gloom, showing unemployment, already at 13-year highs, rising above the symbolically important three million mark.

Daniel Boy, director of research at France's Sciences-Po university, said the sheer lack of good news on the horizon for Hollande meant his ratings were likely to fall further.

"The risk is that we continue to see a trend of very low ratings ... and that in turn will make it even harder to take difficult decisions on budgetary rigour," Boy added.

Hollande's government will unveil on Friday how plans to claw in the 30 billion euros ($39 billion) needed to cut its deficit to three percent of gross domestic product in 2013 en route to a balanced budget by the end of his five-year term.

It has ruled out making what would be deeply unpopular increases to value-added tax and the CSG social levy, a tax payable by all employees, to narrow the deficit.

($1 = 0.7699 euros)

(Additional reporting by Thierry Leveque; editing by Stephen Nisbet)


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Obama campaign has momentum _ and nerves

CHICAGO (AP) ? Six weeks from Election Day, President Barack Obama's campaign has momentum ? and a big case of nerves.

Top advisers are both relishing in Obama's edge in key battleground state polling and warning it can change in an instant. They're wary of the many factors that still could derail the Democrat's campaign, from simmering tensions in the Middle East to the three high-stakes presidential debates. They're worried, too, about a flood of negative advertisements from Republican-leaning outside groups and potential complacency among Democratic voters and volunteers who think the race is a lock for Obama.

Also weighing on them: unforeseen domestic or international events that can shake up a close race in the homestretch.

"I can only worry about what I can control," says Jim Messina, Obama's campaign manager.

For now, that means the overall campaign strategy.

Yet, even there, Obama's team is being careful: the Democrat is considering making a late play for traditionally Republican Arizona ? either to win it or to force rival Mitt Romney to spend money to protect GOP turf ? but advisers are weighing the potential that a move like that could backfire by leaving fewer resources for more competitive states.

With just over 40 days until the election and with many states already voting, public and internal polls show Obama leading Romney in many of the eight or so battleground states that will determine the election. But both campaigns are mindful that much can happen in the homestretch, and advisers for each candidate expect the numbers to tighten as more voters tune into the race in the final weeks. By the day, both sides are adjusting their strategies in key states and monitoring how, in voters' eyes, signs of growth in the economy square with an unemployment rate that remains above 8 percent.

The race had been deadlocked until recently when Obama edged ahead in polling after his convention. Even so, neither candidate has been able to put the race out of reach of their opponent, despite the sluggish economy Obama has presided over and a series of missteps by Romney.

At Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters, the mood underscores the balance the campaign is trying to strike: optimism about the trajectory of the race with cautiousness about all the things that could shift the dynamics.

Obama aides are focused on bolstering get-out-the-vote operations in battleground states to buffer against any late shifts in the race, countering negative ads by a crush of Republican-leaning super political action committees ? and living by the mantra of not making too much out of any one poll or event.

Last week, campaign staffers were ordered to be restrained in their response and avoid appearing as though they were declaring victory prematurely when a video surfaced showing Romney telling wealthy donors that 47 percent of Americans believe they are victims. And earlier this month, the campaign sought to keep its focus on the economy, the No. 1 issue for voters, rather than get dragged into a foreign policy debate after a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed in Libya.

The worry about next week's presidential debate ? the first of three in as many weeks ? is clear at the downtown high rise that houses Obama's campaign inner circle and hundreds of staffers. On Oct. 3, most Americans will for the first time see the two men standing side by side, a visual that could make Romney seem more presidential to some voters. And the high-stakes showdowns always carry the potential for a slip-up that can be hard to recover from just weeks before Election Day.

Obama has spent the past few weeks preparing for the debates, though advisers won't say much about it ? other than to try to lower expectations for Obama and raise them for Romney.

Advisers argue that the debate format ? limited to 90 minutes ? works against the sometimes long-winded Obama, who they cast as the underdog on a debate stage.

As Obama adviser Robert Gibbs put it in a CBS interview: "Mitt Romney, I think, has an advantage because he's been through 20 of these debates in the primaries over the last year. He even bragged that he was declared the winner in 16 of those debates."

For all the concerns, even the most anxious Obama aides take some measure of comfort in an Electoral College map that favors the president. He has more pathways to victory than Romney, whose route to the White House becomes all but impossible without a victory in Florida, where polls show the race is tight, or Ohio, where Obama has pulled ahead in surveys.

Signaling confidence, Obama's team is considering competing in Arizona.

Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008, but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee. Obama still won 45 percent of the vote.

This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.

Buying television time in Phoenix, the state's largest city, is expensive and Obama advisers are closely watching their finances.

That's not to say that competing in Arizona would be all about winning: going up on the air in the state ? or sending the president in to campaign there, could force Romney to spend valuable resources defending a state he should be able to count on in the quest to reach 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Watching That Trash on TV Could Literally Be Hurting Your ...

So do you really believe that all of that trash that you are watching on TV has no long term effects on you or your relationships? I mean seriously. How can you be ingesting so much negativity and it have no effect whatsoever on you.?

Well a study was released in the journal Mass Communincation and Society that found the more that people believe in the unrealistic portrayals of romance on television, the less likely they were committed to their own relationships.

They surveyed 392 people for this study, asking them about a range of things from if they are satisfied in their current relationships, to what are their views on commitment and expectations, how often do they watch tv, and if they believe in tv?s depiction of romantic relationships. The study found that the more an individual believed in tv?s portrayal of romance, the higher they rated the ?relationship costs? of their own relationships, with relationship costs meaning things like loss of your personal time and freedom and the unattractive qualities of your partner.

Dr. Jeremy Osborn, Ph.D and author of the article states:

?In this study I found that people who believe the unrealistic portrayals on TV are actually less committed to their spouses and think their alternatives to their spouse are relatively attractive?

?My hope would be that people would read this article and take a look at their own relationships and the relationships of those around them. How realistic are your expectations for your partner and where did those expectations come from?

Now on this site, we have been talking about negative portrayals of African Americans and their relationships in these wildly popular reality TV shows. And we get a lot of feedback from folks like: ?I?m grown and I will watch what I want to watch.? ?It?s just entertainment.?

And yes, grown folks should be able to watch what they want to watch on television. But please let this study serve as a warning. Because, you never know how something is affecting your psyche until it?s too late. And if you are going to watch so much negativity on TV, then please make sure that you have or are getting a strong dose of the positive. So, at least you have some real options out there for healthy relationships and for people that work through their problems.

This last season of reality TV showed some really really really really dysfunctional relationships. After watching a few episodes of VH1?s Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, I truly felt like I took in something that was detrimental to my spirit.

If it is too much for me, then what about the young children that are taking all of this stuff in. I have seen with my own eyes girls as young as 10 and 13 years old watching Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. And their parents don?t seem to think that these shows will have any lasting impacts on their kids. Well, if they don?t listen to me..then perhaps they will pay attention to a study that shows that TV romances can have an impact on your relationships.

With all that our kids are facing in today?s society, we don?t need to be giving them one more obstacle against having lasting healthy relationships.

BMWK ? what do you think about this study? Do you think that TV romances can impact your real relationships? Do you think it is harmful for our kids to be watching reality tv shows like Love and Hip Hop? Do you let your kids watch those shows? If you do, share with us why?

About the author

Ronnie Tyler is the co-creator of and co-producer of the films Happily Ever After: A Positive Image of Black Marriage, You Saved Me, Men Ain?t Boys and Still Standing. The proud mom of 4 has been selected by Parenting Magazine as a Must-Read Mom and is one of Babble?s Top 100 Mom Bloggers.



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Engadget Giveaway: win a Nexus 7, courtesy of Amzer!

Engadget Giveaway win a Nexus 7, courtesy of Amzer!

We can't get enough of the Nexus 7, and we'll wager that you feel the same way. That's why we're teaming up with Amzer to hook you up with another chance to win one of Google's signature tablets. If the name doesn't ring a bell, Amzer sells cases for nearly every phone and tablet available on the market, but today it's promoting ShatterProof, a screen protector that's certified to be resistant to scratches, stress and drops. So feel free to leave a comment below to enter and then head over to the company's Twitter or Facebook accounts (linked below) to express your undying gratitude for the opportunity.

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Ansari, Goodwin keep Emmy rehearsals casual

Aziz Ansari attends the Entertainment Weekly Pre Emmy Party at Fig & Olive on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)

Aziz Ansari attends the Entertainment Weekly Pre Emmy Party at Fig & Olive on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)

Seating placards for the 64th?Primetime Emmy Awards are seen at the Nokia Theatre on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. The Emmy Awards will be held Sunday, Sept 23. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Seating placards for the 64th?Primetime Emmy Awards are seen at the Nokia Theatre on Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Los Angeles. The Emmy Awards will be held Sunday, Sept 23. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

(AP) ? The Emmy Awards were still a day away, but the Nokia Theatre was already abuzz Saturday as celebrities popped in to run through their lines for Sunday's ceremony.

TV stars such as Aziz Ansari, Matthew Perry, Ginnifer Goodwin and Hayden Panettiere practiced presenting awards on the Emmy stage inside the mostly empty theater ahead of Sunday's ABC broadcast.

Ansari, of NBC's "Parks and Recreation," sported a red polo, tan slacks and a phony British accent as he delivered his introduction with a bottle of coconut water in hand.

"I feel like people take your acting more seriously when you're British," he quipped.

When Goodwin, of ABC's "Once Upon a Time," stepped on stage, her first question was: "Where am I sitting?" The pixie-haired actress squinted her eyes as she attempted to spot her place card in the crowd.

Dressed casually in a matching floral print top and jeans with black ballerina flats, Goodwin kept her purse around her shoulder as she pretended to present an Emmy.

Panettiere, who is starring in the new ABC drama "Nashville," presented an award "for this rehearsal only" to a stand-in for "Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner, but she mispronounced his name. Producers quickly corrected the actress, who probably won't make the same mistake if Weiner wins Sunday.

Also spotted backstage Saturday were Andre Braugher of ABC's "Last Resort" and Lena Dunham, who's up for the best actress in a comedy trophy for her HBO series "Girls."




Follow AP entertainment writer Derrik J. Lang on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Minibus bombing kills 3 in Iraq

(AP) ? Iraqi officials say a bomb attached to a minibus has killed three people in the capital Baghdad.

Police officials say that the Sunday bombing took place in the Shiite district of Sadr city. More than seven passengers were wounded in the blast, the officials said.

Medics in nearby hospital confirmed the death toll.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Violence has ebbed in Iraq, but insurgents carry out frequent attacks in an attempt to shake the people's trust in the Shiite-led government.

Associated Press


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Video: The Politics of Romney's Returns

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Franklin Matters: Frankliin SEPAC: Fund raising events

"Special Education Parents Advisory Council" an active group of parents with interest in serving and supporting special education children.

Who can participate in SEPAC/ attend workshops?

All parents and guardians of Franklin students receiving special education services are encouraged to become involved in SEPAC. Participation is also open to other interested parties such as teachers, service providers, students studying special education, and families from other towns. All workshops are open to the public.

They have two fund raising events coming up.

Sep 27

We have an amazing Fundraiser Zumbathon? Event coming up at Sublime Fitness in Medway on September 27th 7-8:30pm. Mark your calendars ! All proceeds will benefit Franklin SEPAC! Looking forward to an amazing year!

To sign up please go to:
you may have to go to 'sublime events/workshops/events'?

$10 online and $15 at the door per-person to join this wonderful event.
Bring a friend or family member ( or two!)?Can't wait to see everyone there!

Oct 1
Print up a flyer ( can be found on our FB page, web-site and is also the Profile pic for this event) bring the voucher to the Franklin 99 on October 2nd from 11am-10pm and the 99 will donate 15% of your total bill to the Franklin SEPAC!?
This is valid on Dine-In and Take-Out. We recommend Call Ahead Seating 508-520-9909.
Thank you!

The flyer can also be found here:

For additional information on this group,please visit their webpage?


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Census data another sign economy has bottomed out

WASHINGTON (AP) ? More young adults are leaving their parents' homes to take a chance with college or a job. Across the nation, people are on the move again after putting their lives on hold and staying put. Once-sharp declines in births are leveling off, and poverty is slowing.

A new snapshot of census data provides sociological backup for what economic indicators were already suggesting: that the nation is in a tentative, fragile recovery.

"We may be seeing the beginning of the American family's recovery from the Great Recession," said Andrew Cherlin, a professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins University. He pointed in particular to the upswing in mobility and to young men moving out of their parents' homes, both signs that more young adults were testing out job prospects.

"It could be the modest number of new jobs or simply the belief that the worst is over," Cherlin said.

The new 2011 census figures released Thursday show progress in an economic recovery that technically began in mid-2009. The annual survey, supplemented with unpublished government figures as of March 2012, covers a year in which unemployment fell modestly from 9.6 percent to 8.9 percent.

Not all is well, however. The jobless rate remains high at 8.1 percent. While housing sales have more recently gained, home ownership last year dropped for a fifth straight year to 64.6 percent, the lowest in more than a decade, due to stringent financing rules and a shift to renting. More Americans than ever are turning to food stamps, while residents in housing that is considered "crowded" held steady at 1 percent, tied for the highest since 2003.

Fresh economic data released Thursday added to the mixed picture. The Conference Board's Index of Leading Economic Indicators, designed to forecast future economic activity, dipped 0.1 percent in August after rising 0.5 percent in July and dropping 0.5 percent in June. And the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell only slightly last week.

Taken as a whole, however, analysts say the census data, which track changing patterns in everyday life, provide the latest evidence of a stabilizing U.S. economy. Coming after the devastating housing bust in 2006, such a leveling off would mark an end to the longest and most pernicious economic decline since World War II.

Richard Freeman, an economist at Harvard University, said the data point to a "fragile recovery," with the economy still at risk of falling back into recession, depending in part on who is president and whether Congress averts a "fiscal cliff" of deep government spending cuts and higher taxes in January. "Given the situation in the world economy, we are doing better than many other countries," he said. "Government policies remain critical."

The census figures also show slowing growth in the foreign-born population, which increased to 40.4 million, or 13 percent of the U.S. population. Last year's immigration increase of 400,000 people was the lowest in a decade, reflecting a minimal gain of Latinos after many Mexicans already in the U.S. opted to return home. Some 11 million people are estimated to be in the U.S. illegally.

The bulk of new immigrants are now higher-skilled workers from Asian countries such as China and India, contributing to increases in the foreign-born population in California, New York, Illinois and New Jersey.

Income inequality varied widely by region. The gap between rich and poor was most evident in the District of Columbia, New York, Connecticut, Louisiana and New Mexico, where immigrant or minority groups were more numerous. By county, Berkeley in West Virginia had the biggest jump in household income inequality over the past year, a result of fast suburban growth just outside the Washington-Baltimore region, where pockets of poor residents and newly arrived, affluent commuters live side by side.

As a whole, Americans were slowly finding ways to get back on the move. About 12 percent of the nation's population, or 36.5 million, moved to a new home, up from a record low of 11.6 percent in 2011.

Among young adults 25 to 29, the most mobile age group, moves also increased to 24.6 percent from a low of 24.1 percent in the previous year. Longer-distance moves, typically for those seeking new careers in other regions of the country, rose modestly from 3.4 percent to 3.8 percent.

Less willing to rely on parents, roughly 5.6 million Americans ages 25-34, or 13.6 percent, lived with Mom and Dad, a decrease from 14.2 percent in the previous year. Young men were less likely than before to live with parents, down from 18.6 percent to 16.9 percent; young women living with parents edged higher to 10.4 percent, up from 9.7 percent.

The increases in mobility coincide with modest improvements in the job market as well as increased school enrollment, especially in college and at advanced-degree levels.

Marriages dipped to a low of just 50.8 percent among adults 18 and over, compared with 57 percent in 2000. Among young adults 25-34, marriage was at 43.1 percent, also a new low, part of a longer-term cultural trend in which people are opting to marry at later ages and often cohabitate with a partner first.

Births, on the other hand, appeared to be coming back after years of steep declines. In 2011, the number of births dipped by 55,000, or 1 percent, to 4.1 million, the smallest drop since the pre-recession peak in 2008, according to Kenneth Johnson, a sociology professor and senior demographer at the University of New Hampshire. More recent data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also show that once-precipitous drops in births are slowing.

"There are signs that young adults have turned a corner," said Mark Mather, associate vice president at the Population Reference Bureau. "More young adults are staying in school, which will increase their potential earnings when the job market bounces back. It's going to take some time, but we should see more young adults entering the labor force, buying homes and starting families as economic conditions improve."

While poverty slowed, food stamp use continued to climb. Roughly 14.9 million, or 13 percent of U.S. households, received food stamps, the highest level on record, meaning that 1 in 8 families was receiving the government aid. Oregon led the nation at 18.9 percent, or nearly 1 in 5, due in part to generous state provisions that expand food stamp eligibility to families making 185 percent of the poverty level ? roughly $3,400 a month for a family of four. Oregon was followed by more rural or more economically hard-hit states, including Michigan, Tennessee, Maine, Kentucky and Mississippi. Wyoming had the fewest households on food stamps, at 5.9 percent.

Government programs did much to stave off higher rates of poverty. While the official poverty rate for 2011 remained stuck at 15 percent, or a record 46.2 million people, the government formula did not take into account noncash aid such as food stamps, which the Census Bureau estimates would have lifted 3.9 million people above the poverty line. If counted, that safety net would have lowered the poverty rate to 13.7 percent. And without expanded unemployment benefits, which began expiring in 2011, roughly 2.3 million people would have fallen into poverty.

Some 17 states showed statistically significant increases in the poverty rate, led by Louisiana, Oregon, Arizona, Georgia and Hawaii. Among large metropolitan areas, McAllen, Texas, led the nation in poverty, at 38 percent, followed by Fresno, Calif., El Paso, Texas, and Bakersfield, Calif. In contrast, the Washington, D.C., metro area had the lowest level of poverty, about 8 percent, followed by Bridgeport, Conn., and Ogden, Utah.

"There are signs among all these measures that the multiple downsides of the Great Recession have bottomed out, which is good news especially for young people who have seen their lives put on hold," said William H. Frey, a demographer at Brookings Institution. "There is some light at the end of the tunnel."




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