Thursday, February 9, 2012

Divorced parents can repair relationships with kids | Morris County ...

Though divorce is the right step for some New Jersey couples, it is always a difficult process. Proceedings are often filled with emotion, especially when children are involved. As parents go through divorce process and determine child custody, kids are sometimes caught up in the animosity between their parents and side against one of their parents. Though this is a tough situation, there are ways parents can mend their relationships with their kids after a divorce.

One of the important things to remember in heated child custody disputes is that everyone is impacted by the stress. Often, children take this the hardest. If a parent has a broken relationship with their child, planning and dedication can turn things around. As a parent, one must find ways to connect with their children to demonstrate that they can be trusted and truly care for their kids.

Spending time with your child doing the things they like is a great way to begin to re-connect with your child in the wake of a child custody battle. Whether it's playing with dolls or a video game, showing interest in your child is a good place to start. This is especially important for younger children who aren't good at verbalizing their feelings. Playing with them is a way to connect emotionally.

Starting a conversation about your child's feelings is rarely any easy subject to breach, yet open and honest communication is vital to repairing or maintaining a relationship with your child after a divorce. If you let them talk at their own pace, it's more likely they will open up to you.

Above all, demonstrating to your kids that you love them unconditionally is essential. The period after a divorce can leave children very tender, so demonstrating your love for them is particularly important.

The hope is that divorces can be resolved as amicably as possible. When couples take the right measures, by planning ahead and employing knowledgeable legal professionals, divorces can go more smoothly. Yet if things turn sour with your children, persistence in repairing your relationship will likely help. Children benefit greatly if they have both of their parents in their lives. Although it may be difficult at first to repair a damaged relationship, the payoff for you and your kids is worth the effort.

Source: The Huffington Post, "Don't Divorce Your Kids," Nancy Fagan, Feb. 2, 2012


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