Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The State of Business Ethics in America: Good news and bad news

by Michael Josephson on February 13, 2012

According to The 2011 National Business Ethics Survey? ?by the Ethics Resource Center released in January 2012, there is both good and bad news about the ethical landscape in American business organizations.

The good news: ?misconduct has reached an historic low and observers of wrongdoing are more willing to report than ever.?

The bad news: ??ethics cultures are eroding and employees? perceptions of their leaders? ethics are slipping. Additionally, pressure from employers to compromise standards is at an all-time high and retaliation has reached an alarming rate?

Perception and Reporting of Misconduct ? 45% of employees said they witnessed misconduct at work (compared to 49% in 2009 and the record high of 55% in 2007) and 65% said they reported the misconduct they saw (compared to 63% 2009 and the record low of 53% in 2005).

Retaliation against whistleblowers - 22% of those who said they reported misconduct claim they experi?enced some form of retaliation in return (compared to 15% in 2009 and 12% in 2007.

Pressure to Compromise Ethics ? 13% said they felt pressured to compromise standards in order to do their jobs (compared to 14% in 2000)

Weakening Ethical Culture ? 42% described the ethical culture of their company as weak (compared to 35% in 2009)

Greater oversight on ethical issues ? 42% reported that their company has increased efforts to raise awareness about ethics and 34% said management now watches them more closely.


Source: http://josephsoninstitute.org/business/blog/2012/02/the-state-of-business-ethics-in-america-good-news-and-bad-news/

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