Sunday, May 27, 2012

93% Marvel's The Avengers

Whilst its worth renting on DVD, seeing "The Avengers" at cinemas is ultimately a disappointment. I went into the Avengers perhaps with the wrong mind-set. I'd mis-judged what I was expecting, and because of that, and those credentials, the Avengers, whilst entertaining failed to deliver anything to wow or scream about.I entered the cinema with the mind-set, seeing how good reviews it was getting, that I should judge this film on the basis of any good film, rather than as my usual response to the Marvel film series, as a marvel film, which means less expectations.With the "Avengers'" I changed that, and it didn't go well. Spending around the past five to ten years, depending on who you believe, stuck in development hell, and with each successfully made Marvel film hinting and teasing audiences into the assembling of the SHIELD team, the film has been hyped and hyped. Telling the story of an evil brother of Thor, played painfully by Tom Hiddleston, who steals a cube which could destroy the world, a team of superheroes are assembled to track him down and stop him.With a cast of previous Marvel superheroes combined together, there is the surprise of none of the superheroes performances reaching any decent standard. Robert Downey Jr is typically disappointing in his Iron Man role, whilst Chris Hemsworth delivers a slightly bemused performance as Thor, leaving you questioning the character himself.The best performances come from minor characters, such as Clark Gregg who plays Agent Coulson well, with a powerful set of lines behind him. Samuel L Jackson brings some light relief and an admirable attempt at Nick Fury, with a film just for himself in the possibilities of 2013 and 14. Don Cheadle also makes a good fleeting appearance.The story itself is not too bad, with a good script being wasted on actors like Chris Evans, whilst cinematography has a mixture of excellent and laughable moments, with some excellent CGI pull back alongside ridiculous moments.What really stands out in "Avengers" is incredible set pieces, wonderfully directed by Joss Whedon, which impress even the most hardened of superhero genre haters. Despite this, the rest of the direction lacks in the ability which made Whedon so impressive on shows like "Buffy The Vampire Slayer".In the end, "Avengers" had a choice. It could be a good superhero film, or it could be a good motion picture. Whilst it succeeds excellently in the first category, and will win and satisfy devotees to the film, it ultimately lets you down in the second. In the end, this is why "Avengers", I believe, will only be remembered for so long, except in the hearts of Marvel fans.

May 26, 2012

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