Friday, May 18, 2012

Man Skills: Coding ? The Masters of Fate

I?ve decided to start a recurring segment called ?Man Skills? in order to encourage readers to make small improvements in their lives. Being a better man is not about specializing in one craft (although there?s nothing wrong with that). It?s more about being well rounded. Having basic skills in many different areas of life is not only handy, it also makes you more interesting.

To kick off this segment I?ll talk about a personal hobby of mine: coding. Coding or computer programming used to belong solely to the computer science majors and pimply nerds living in their mother?s basement. Not so much anymore. Computers and technology are everywhere. Unless you live miles from civilization you?re going to encounter some sort of computer during the day whether it?s your office workstation or the iPhone/Android phone in your pocket.

CodeMachines that were once expensive building sized pieces of equipment owned by governments and universities are now smaller than a fingernail and owned by average citizens. Like your car or the plumbing in your house, it?s important to know how the basics of how these things work. The need for computer literacy has never been greater.

Coding like knowing how to change your oil or your spark plugs, opens a window into the heart of the machine. Why do computers fuck up all the time? Why is this application taking so long to load? Having a basic understanding of programming will train your mind to think like a computer allowing you to troubleshoot more effectively.

Basic troubleshooting isn?t the only benefit. Having some coding experience can help you in the workplace as well. You don?t have to be a system administrator or web developer to benefit from code. A lot of everyday office applications allow scripting to automate and speed up common tasks. Being the guy who can whip up an excel spreadsheet that can cut the month?s inventory work in half will make you more valuable.

Is there a special lady in your life? Computer literacy like handiness with tools is an impressive quality. Just don?t rely on either one at the expense of your overall game.

Are you running a popular (or unpopular) manosphere blog? Is the wordpress theme you?re using less than perfect. Use your coding knowledge to make some tweaks.

The list of benefits goes on and on. If you would like to get into coding, the folks over at Code Academy have come up with something called Code Year. Basically you sign up and every Monday you?ll get an email with a coding lesson. This is great because you don?t have to dedicate a lot of your time and it?s something you can pick up on the side.

Coding has historically been seen as something nerdy and even beta. It doesn?t have to be. It?s can easily be just one of your many important man skills.

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