Monday, November 12, 2012

The petty joys of step-life | Step Talk

Yes, I'm going to wallow in my happiness over some of those petty things for a few moments just because I Can.

Petty joy #1 - This Christmas season I will be the first one since being with DH that I will not have to look at the tree skirt that loser BM made "for SD" so that SD could feel like Christmas at Daddy's house was "hers too". (I will add to this that it was the ugliest piece of crap I have ever seen under a tree.) I wallow in my petty joy and knowledge that it is rotting in a garbage dump somewhere, never to be seen or heard from again. We have a new tree skirt and I no longer have BM's evil juju even sitting a box, infecting the other holiday decorations. *shudder*

Petty joy #2 - My SIL who is totally up SD's butt on-line and keeps giving DH and I crap for how we're dealing (or not dealing) with SD has suffered her own joyous step-event. After shelling out all kinds of money, Her oldest step-kid decided last minute that he was Not going on the family trip, stayed home, threw a huge party and trashed the house. When SIL and her man got back home and flipped out cause the little delinquent (17, stayed home alone for a week) hadn't even Tried to hide the after-party mess, said, F you I'm moving back to mom's. And did. So bite me miss "I'm a totally perfect step-mom and Loooooovvvveeee them all the same, why don't you".

Petty joy #3 - I will not have to enjoy the heinous step-hell of Thanksgiving with my in-laws this year where all but one of DH's siblings have step (or psuedo-step) children running around the house, being Horrible with no one disciplining. I will not have to deal with explaining to nieces and nephews why their cousin SD has once again shunned the family. I will not have to deal with my MIL telling me over and over that SD will come around and I should keep giving her chances.

And not so petty joy of the season .... DH seems to have finally gotten a grip and is refusing to be sucked into the black vortex of guilt and despair when BM starts texting and telling him that he's a crappy father. He made her deal with her own problem when she refused to give him information. He refused to feed the drama when SD called, panicking, to ask if BM really meant it, is she really sending SD to live with Dad. He refused to start questioning himself whem BM began the guilt trips about shutting off the cell phone we paid for (that BM's boyfriend was using full time), for not sending a birthday card full of mushy, child-worshipping language, anndddd.... wait for it... for "replacing" SD with ME. Cause we all know that when one tires of one's entitled, spoiled, back-talking, attitude filled CHILD we replace them with a SPOUSE. Cause that's how relationships work. Moron.

Is most of this petty? Darn skippy it is. But right now, I'm okay with that. It is November. It is the month to find things to be thankful for, right? Well, right now, I'm thankful about 1, 3, and 4. 2... my inner bitch is reveling in.


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